Nobody else at the meeting seemed to notice this major doctrine change at all, but for me it was the proof I had been waiting for.
Yes, exactly that is how saw it, and I too notice the lack of people who it registered with.
I remember being so active after high school and preaching day after day taking great care to explain these scriptures surronding "this generation" and how all these signs are fulfillment of that end is near. Than in a wink of an eye they errased all my preaching effort, well, that is how I saw it on that day. Like, what the heck was I preaching back than, it was wrong and that made everything I said wrong, now I felt like an idiot, fool!
Oh well, live in learn, I rationialize that I could of been raised by a super patriotic family who believes in going to war. I could of lost my life or become a vegatable fighting for some corupt president who decides for the country to fight a loosing battle (Vietnam, Iraq...put in any war you like) its all the same.