a sister with young children had many different parties to keep them entertained....mostly themed parties. Once she had a party that was just after the movie 101 Dalmations came out. Eveyone was to dress like dalmation puppies. She herself dressed as Cruella and dyed half of her hair black and half white. She took her kids and another young girl to the corner store and the clerk said "you must be having a dress up party" and she said, "now why would you think that?" the clerk said" your hair" and she said " I always wear my hair like this". She kept a straight face and then paid for her stuff and walked out..
Posts by arwen
Whacky Witness Weirdness
by limbogirl inok, i'm sure all of us have met some incredibly bizarre jws over the years --- i have met some that could have been characters in a movie...just unbelievably weird.
i've shared some of my stories with a good friend (non jw) and she swears i'm making this stuff up.
how in the heck could i make these people up??
The Passion of the Christ Movie
by arwen ini am watching this movie for the first time and it has subtitles and is in another language.
i am wondering if this is the way it is or if i have rented the wrong version.
i can hardly watch it as it is very disturbing and i feel so bad for jesus.
Thanks StillAWitness...I can't watch a lot of the scenes either. It is very depressing but makes me grateful to know what Jesus did for us.
The Passion of the Christ Movie
by arwen ini am watching this movie for the first time and it has subtitles and is in another language.
i am wondering if this is the way it is or if i have rented the wrong version.
i can hardly watch it as it is very disturbing and i feel so bad for jesus.
I am watching this movie for the first time and it has subtitles and is in another language. I am wondering if this is the way it is or if I have rented the wrong version. I can hardly watch it as it is very disturbing and I feel so bad for Jesus. Have any of you ever watched it and what did you think??
So many feelings - I'm waiting to exhale
by Lady Lee inas a jw i was in a cong where there was a deaf group.
when the interpreters moved away they asked the cong if there was anyone who wanted to learn.
i could not contain myself i wanted this.
I hope you hear from your long lost friend. I met a lady that did signing in New Brunswick but i think she was from Ontario. Her name was Anne. She is deceased now. Did you know her? What a wonderful gift you have been given to sign. Keep us up to date
Who do you love more?
by serendipity inmy uncle ocasionally complains about how my aunt loves her adult children more than him because she's always thinking about them, worrying about them and reaching out to them.
i think that's a surprising viewpoint because i thought that most mothers (and many fathers) love their children above all others.. do you think that's true?
should a parent love their children more than the spouse (or significant other)?
"there is no greater love than that of a mother for her child" I would die for any of my children. I love them unconditional. It is a different type of love that the love I feel for my husband. Not greater, just different.
Everybody welcome Anneshirley new member!
by mkr32208 inmy wife finally joined!
her user name is anneshirley!
everyone make her feel welcome please!
Dams: Once you meet us you will want to move..We can drum up enought business for you to make a good living there..we will tell a friend who will tell a friend.....we would love to have you for our neighbour, right, Legolas??
Everybody welcome Anneshirley new member!
by mkr32208 inmy wife finally joined!
her user name is anneshirley!
everyone make her feel welcome please!
Welcome to the board Ms Anne with an "e" shirley...You have made a brave step by making your first post. It is a freeing moment. Things will only get better from here on in.. The friends here and I do mean real friends are very supportive and encouraging and we can all relate to each other and where we are coming from at this time in our lives.. Take care...Arwen
So when can we expect you Dams? May is a nice month on PEI...a little cool at the beach, but nice..just kidding...anytime if fine with us and thanks for your kind offer..I guess I better head off to bed. Been up since six this morning...Nice spending time with you guys and actually posting..usually I feel like I can't express myself that well but I was ok tonight,,,I think?? Don't stay up too late!!!
Heard about the strike from the baby boy but no inside news.. I was thinking maybe we could intice Dams to the Island and make it a working vacation for her.. I would pay good Canadian or even American dollars...if I have any left for a relaxing massage...I went once down here and it was not the same as home..what do you think Miss Dams????? I'm sure we could line up our family and friends too...pay for your weekend
I must be on a roll or something....I have hardly posted and now I can't stop