I can't say that I'm very sad. I know that doesn't sound good but it's what I'm feeling.
george couch, a longtime fixture as the big wig of home overseers at brooklyn bethel, died friday.
we never interacted much with them, he was a strange duck from our brief visits with them over the years..
I can't say that I'm very sad. I know that doesn't sound good but it's what I'm feeling.
or were you just a watchtower troll trying to entrap people that were trying to be nice to you?
i read your site, thought it was nice, added you as a friend, made some comments, and now today your myspace page is gone!!
this kind of crap makes me nervous.
Ditto here. With my soon to be ex going back to the cult, trying to drag my daughter in..these situations can be rough. Good luck Brooke.
hey there guys!
my name is brooke, age 26. i am recently dissacociated.
i have just set up a new myspace account and would like any who are on myspace to please put my on their friend list so we can encourage and support each other., i need it!
I empathize with you. I have similar circumstances. I added you to my Myspace last night. I'll check later to see if your account is back up.
hi everyone i hve just found this site by accident its a great site.
i havent been to the meetings for years but it was very hard to leave as family pressures are on you.i feel like ive got stronger but it takes alot of time.
i live in australia and its great to be able to talk to people on the same level.
Hi kamen. I'm Isaac. Welcome.
the generation seeing the sign .
' previously, this journal has explained that in the first century, "this generation" mentioned at matthew 24:34 meant "the contemporaneous generation of unbelieving jews.
not the whole magazine, but this is the new light article.. .
I wish that it would hit them Quandry. It will hit some. But the fact is that most will not even get the sense of it. Actually reading that article was comforting for me. It reinforced for me that I made the right decision in leaving. Having an ex that is going back in, who wants to drag our daughter back in, and a Mom in cahoots with her, the affirmation that this is nonsense being made up as each blunder becomes apparent to them is very much needed for me.
it's after midnight here in california - so i'll say merry christmas to all of you - best wishes for the new year.
and now, to bed.
Amen to that inbyathread. I celebrated Xmas last night (I am at work today) with my daughter and girlfriend not because of what others may or may not do and think at this time. I celebrate my friends, family, and indeed all of mankind, even the sad folks who have a hard time being happy or bringing happiness to others. Hopefully they will change. I celebrate Christianity because of what it can be if practiced with love. I celebrate the wisdom of taking a set time to express love and affection for others. I celebrate the wisdom of taking a set time to reflect on one's life course and hopefully plan to make improvements. As dubs we were taught that if we couldn't pioneer we could at least have the pioneer spirit. I here celebrate the Xmas spirit even if Xmas is not always what it could or should be for everyone. I celebrate the Xmas spirit.
the generation seeing the sign .
' previously, this journal has explained that in the first century, "this generation" mentioned at matthew 24:34 meant "the contemporaneous generation of unbelieving jews.
not the whole magazine, but this is the new light article.. .
All I have to say is that this s just crap, plain and simple.
it's after midnight here in california - so i'll say merry christmas to all of you - best wishes for the new year.
and now, to bed.
Merry Christmas everyone. Gosh it feels so good to write that.
the report is out!.
cooking the books with 3% increase??.
No matter what little increases they have or tricks they employ to get more members it will NEVER change the fallacies on which that religion is based. And overall, I doubt that they will grow very much.
barb sez some silly jws are questioning her credentials.
well boo on their party.. barb anderson's proof of her background - pics of gb and more.
Barb and Joe, I for one never doubted you two.