PurpleV, that info is awesome. We were wondering about Sara's cameo appearance.
Flipper, I will find out what I can.
Isaac Carmignani
we are just back from watching worlds apart.
we all thought that this is the best, most accurate movie on this topic that we have ever seen.
i hope to post more on it once i've gotten some rest.
PurpleV, that info is awesome. We were wondering about Sara's cameo appearance.
Flipper, I will find out what I can.
Isaac Carmignani
hi everyone, i met a bunch of people from the 'ex-jw meetup' at the screening of world's apart last night.
i just wanted to say again how amazing it was to see you there and to talk to you after the movie.
i've been "disfellowshipped" for 10 years, but i don't think i've ever really talked to any ex-jw's in depth like that.
Hi Kyria, its Isaac. We met outside. PM me if you'd like.
Isaac Carmignani
we are just back from watching worlds apart.
we all thought that this is the best, most accurate movie on this topic that we have ever seen.
i hope to post more on it once i've gotten some rest.
The audience was definitely into it. At the end everyone applauded. Also the song at the end was very touching. I don't know if it was written for this movie. I know that I have never heard it before. One line from it went something like: "How can you call it faith (or love), when it is covered with so much pain." It definitely captured the feelings that xJWs feel. And I thought about the Scripture: "The blessing of Jehovah that is what makes rich, and he adds no pain with it." What a load of malarkey for Sara and many like her.
Isaac Carmignani
we are just back from watching worlds apart.
we all thought that this is the best, most accurate movie on this topic that we have ever seen.
i hope to post more on it once i've gotten some rest.
I will am looking into where it is going, as well as DVDs etc. Will keep you posted. Below is my critique of it which I want to forward to the producer.
Worlds Apart Review
By Isaac Carmignani
Worlds Apart is a movie that does that magical thing that is so necessary in telling the JW story. It is a story. It touches the heart. It refrains from going into long and potentially boring dialogue on the real, alleged, or perceived fallacies of Watchtower teachings. Yet it manages to address nearly all of the major doctrinal flaws. Through conversations between the characters we learn about the blood issue, date prophecies unfulfilled, being expelled merely for sleeping over at someone's home of the opposite sex, children being baptized, shunning, kids leaving school to pioneer, the betrayal by close friends, the hypocrisy of close friends, the hypocrisy of elders who want forgiveness but won't forgive others, the conflicts inside Witnesses, the dignity stripping judicial process, the hype at conventions where examples paraded before the membership often are struggling with the religion themselves, and so much more.
Even though the movie is subtitled in English the actors show emotion in their voices, facial expressions, and body language. This fills in the gaps.
The movie is accurate in many small details such as in the look and color of WT publications.
The translation seems well done though some of the terms used in the English do not fully reflect JW speak. But that is minor and would never be noticed except by JWs closely scrutinizing the movie. Other details that I picked up were that JWs were portrayed as not being allowed to vote, which is technically no longer true. (Of course in practice JWs don't vote anyway since it is still heavily discouraged.) One other point to note is that JWs close their eyes when praying.
Recent developments in the organization are also captured such the change in disfellowshipping (expelling) announcement and the recent focus on Jesus as a kind and loving person.
I truly believe that this movie needs wide circulation. I would even be willing to help if I can be of assistance. People in the general population need to see this.
A footnote: This movie received a 7.2 IMDB rating.
we are just back from watching worlds apart.
we all thought that this is the best, most accurate movie on this topic that we have ever seen.
i hope to post more on it once i've gotten some rest.
It also explains in a touching and interesting way nearly everyone of the problems with WT doctrine. The non JW will enjoy this film and come away with a better understanding of JW thinking. I believe that this is important since many people do not know how damaging this religion can be until a family member is already sucked in.
Isaac Carmignani
we are just back from watching worlds apart.
we all thought that this is the best, most accurate movie on this topic that we have ever seen.
i hope to post more on it once i've gotten some rest.
We are just back from watching Worlds Apart. We all thought that this is the best, most accurate movie on this topic that we have ever seen. I hope to post more on it once I've gotten some rest. Several of us here in NYC went so some others may also want to share their thoughts.
http://www.thestar.com/article/419393artificial blood found to raise risk of death april 29, 2008 noor javed.
staff reporter.
blood substitutes significantly increase the chances of heart attacks and death in patients, yet canadian and u.s. regulators gave the green light to testing on humans, says a paper published yesterday.. a review of all published literature on human blood-substitute trials in the journal of the american medical association found that people who received hemoglobin-based blood substitutes during a trial had a 30 per cent greater chance of death, and were three times more likely to suffer a heart attack.. "i became extremely concerned by the consistent pattern of increased risk that patients were being placed in," said dr. charles natanson of the national institutes of health, who led the review.
More evidence that things aren't as cut and dry as the GB like to make them sound.
just got back from the assembly the bookstudy will be part of the ministry school service metting as of 2009. the cost of fuel is 1 reason.
to many elders taking bookstudys time could be better spent on other things.
family heads can now spend more time with there familys.
This MAY cut down on the amount of work the elders and in particular the Service Committee does. Especially in a large congo such as my former one many hours were spent assigning the publishers to groups. Further renters in my area move a lot and our congo was very transient. Therefore it was a full time job tracking constant changes in assignments. Admittedly this is not true organization wide. But for elder bodies like my former one, this may be a relief provided that the GB does not replace the old arrangement with something just as complicated. The letter does mention keeping service in smaller groups.
Isaac Carmignani
just got back from the assembly the bookstudy will be part of the ministry school service metting as of 2009. the cost of fuel is 1 reason.
to many elders taking bookstudys time could be better spent on other things.
family heads can now spend more time with there familys.
Actually this "change" shows up so many of the problems with that organization. They still have a book study, still want people to study for one, and still expect an elder to conduct one. While I admit that the extra night at home is nice and they may have cut down on BSOs (we haven't seen the correspondence to the bodies yet), they are so stuck up on their "cooking" of spiritual "food" they can't for a moment see that the real benefit would have been to scrap the whole meeting entirely.
If there is anything that this does say it is something that most JWs will probably miss entirely. THIS IS A CLEAR SIGN THAT THEY DON'T EXPECT THE END TO SHOW UP ANYTIME SOON! I say this because the whole rationale for book studies was in large part future persecution, and the need to have small clandestine meetings. The GB may not be feeling that pressure anymore in the free world.
I also wonder how all of the COs who advised my elder body to push the book study arrangement will feel now. The downturn in the congregation was always attributed to a lack of following the book study arrangement. That was one reason for the change not so many years ago from Book Study Conductor to Book Study Overseer. In a place like here in NYC it was very hard to have service groups at book studies. We struggled hard to make this work. Now the "best" arrangement for shepherding is now gone. What does that say? Was it ever good to begin with? Or is a matter of a group of inconsiderate men asking people to do too much?
Isaac Carmignani
the important and popular danish film, "world's apart," which was shown at the berlin film festival recently, was selected for the tribecca film festival and will be screened publicly (with english subtitles) five times during the coming weeks at village east cinemas and amc village vii in new york.
please pass the word.
this film depicts the story of a witness girl who steps outside of her religious community by falling in love with a "worldly" young man.
This might work.