As was mentioned "shallow" sounds about right. I often hear this from JWs and it seems to reflect control. Its what they are supposed to say. It also seems to reflect a lack of empathy on their part, and at the same time a desire not to check up on the organization themselves for fear that they may have questions. No healthy individual just moves on overnight from a movement that affects as much in ones life as the WT does.
JoinedPosts by truthsetsonefree
What do you think when people tell you to just "move on"?
by Moxie in...i've heard that a lot over the years.
"just get over it, let the past stay in the past".
i always say, "ya, but...".
Hey ! " I'M LOOKING" for email buddies too!
by Hope4Others inkind, compassionate, sort of sexy gal looking for friends and a few laughs!.
tee hee.
cheers and have a super weekend,.
Text Message I Just Received From An Old Witness Friend
by str8?so is spaghetti..until you heat it up inthis is a text message i just received from a guy who was in my old congregation.
(ps, no there was no shenanigans going on there, i wasn't interested in this guy in that way...even though he was possibly the best friend i had ever had within jws).. "hi rob.
please come back to the truth.
This makes me wonder what my friends, many of whom I had 20 years and more are feeling. For what its worth I write occasionally with little to no response.
Isaac -
Is the GB crooked or just misguided?
by easyreader1970 ini ask myself this from time to time.
is the governing body operating seriously out of the belief that they are god's only channel to mankind?
or are they deliberately scamming people?
"There is a very high degree of arrogance that allows a person to believe that, out of six billion people, God has chosen you to be one of his 14 or 16 or whatever number Governing Body. Wow, how special does that make you?"
This is what I have always felt. A@G your thoughts are right on.
Isaac -
Automatic reinstatement if teaching gets reversed?
by Fatfreek inlet's say your spouse admitted to having sex with animals, you went to the elders and they told you that you were not free to remarry -- but you went ahead, divorced the scumbag, and remarried someone else.
you, of course, got disfellowshipped.
since then, the society reverses its position.
Nope, no reinstatement. As has been said, running ahead, being disobedient to PRESENT truth (present at the time), and repentance at the time of expulsion, those are the issues in their eyes.
Isaac -
Bethelite: Elder burnout, R&F disillusionment led to book study change
by pseattle2 inplease visit the blog:
a bethelite's viewpoint on the recent organization changesto me the most obvious reason has nothing to do with control, or money.
it has everything to do with the serious shortage of qualified brothers who can (or who are willing to) be used.
Back on the topic of burnout, I wonder how much of this change had to do with BETHELITE burnout. They are the ones after all who burn gas going to book studies. They benefit most because its one less trip out to the territory.
We once moved our public meeting to Saturday for this reason. The Bethelites were ecstatic over the day off. The GB being as blind as they are to anything other than their own needs, may have seen this as the best option. Add to this the desire not to knock the other gas guzzling activity, namely field service, the main mission for a dub, and you have the making of a dollar late, dollar short policy change.
Isaac -
Bethelite: Elder burnout, R&F disillusionment led to book study change
by pseattle2 inplease visit the blog:
a bethelite's viewpoint on the recent organization changesto me the most obvious reason has nothing to do with control, or money.
it has everything to do with the serious shortage of qualified brothers who can (or who are willing to) be used.
This is so true. I know I resigned from burnout. But I also resigned as a protest. I have always felt that elders have the power to change or even partially sink this religion. Any corporation must rely on its workers to succeed. That is why striking is so effective. Maybe it is happening slowly. I surely hope so.
Isaac -
"Transcript only"-Rutherford v. The United States-by request!
by Atlantis inrutherford v. the united states-pdf-(transcript only)-by request!
request from researcher: hi n.!
i have been trying to get my jw dad out of the watchtower for years and i think he would read the rutherford court case, but i am afraid that some of the "extras" atlantis included in his first post might scare my dad away from reading it.
OK, that is a start. Thanks.
Isaac -
"Transcript only"-Rutherford v. The United States-by request!
by Atlantis inrutherford v. the united states-pdf-(transcript only)-by request!
request from researcher: hi n.!
i have been trying to get my jw dad out of the watchtower for years and i think he would read the rutherford court case, but i am afraid that some of the "extras" atlantis included in his first post might scare my dad away from reading it.
I just looked at this file and its huge. Funny arguably the most important case in JW history and I know nothing about it except what the WT says. Are there any threads that discussed it? Are there any "cliff notes" anywhere? What are some of the highlights? I guess what I'm asking are what are the juicy sections so that I can look at those first.
Jehovah's Witness wives do not need consciences.
by hotchocolate inmy feelings on this subject have continued consistent throughout my time from being a zealous, believing witness to now.
so there's all these areas of "conscience" as a dub, which movies you can watch, what you can wear etc etc.
but.. here's the catch.
"Husbands, I think have a lot more pressure. I'm glad I'm not being pressured constantly to give all these talks and other assignments."
True, and a lot pressure leaving. At least if one is an elder it is nearly impossible to fade.