This is what I posted on that thread about the 1995 WT stating this:
will they ever announce that the world wide preaching work is finished?.
will they fill that gap with something else, like "new system" lessons?.
This is what I posted on that thread about the 1995 WT stating this:
will they ever announce that the world wide preaching work is finished?.
will they fill that gap with something else, like "new system" lessons?.
On the preaching work's end check out
here is an old post i came across by sleepy.
he had some great points in here that and a simple format to boot...... original post can be found here -
here are some questions i have prepeared for my elders if and when they deside to visit me.. anymore you can suggest?.
Awesome description of many of the reasons why I could no longer believe their nonsense and left.
Isaac Carmignani
will they ever announce that the world wide preaching work is finished?.
will they fill that gap with something else, like "new system" lessons?.
If they ever proclaimed the preaching work over, it could be their greatest embarassment. The clock would REALLY be ticking then. armageddon would have to show up. If not they'd have a lot of difficult explaining to do. They would try but we'd be all over them. So I don't think they'll ever proclaim the preaching work's end. At least not without some serious disclaimers and doubletalk to go with it.
Isaac Carmignani
word has got our that mr. and mrs. truthseeker no longer attend meetings.. we still live in the territory of our old congregation.
instead of taking the time to call us and see how we're doing, the "friends" prefer to talk about us behind our backs, one of whom passed information to my wife's mother (who is a loyal witness) that we do not attend meetings.. just waiting for the ball to drop.. .
I remember all the whispers when I stopped attending meetings. It was actually believed that I must have had a nervous breakdown or gone crazy!
this is a re-hash of a post i made a few years back when i had only just 'left'.
but as time has gone by i have become even more convinced that the witnesses are, how can i put this, a fairly miserable lot.
it seems to me that what separates humans from other animals is our culture and traditions.
Funny the "celebration" of the Memorial amounts to an often boring lecture followed by a somber passing around of dull food no one eats! You can get in trouble if you eat it!!! Further music is often discouraged while the dull food is being served. Pathetic.
Anyway Happy Holidays to all. Its great to be free.
so i started this thread on another board too.
we have a sizeable number of people - men and women not in a relationship perhaps here.
ladies - what is it that you want in a relationship emotionally, mentally, sexually, and materially ?
Take care of yourself. You don't have to be Atlas but please make an effort to keep yourself squeaky clean head to toe. Yes, this means flossing and clipping your nails. Also keep yourself in good health (things you can control, such as weight, smoking, getting your checkups, etc.).
This one eludes so many divorced men I know. They want these great looking women, meanwhile they are fat and take little care of themselves. It seems so selfish. It makes me think on some level they view women as slaves who should accept anything they dole out.
wow, i've just seen my wife's copy of the jan 09 new format kingdom ministry.
can they get any more controlling?.
how to handle every part is detailed giving absolutely no room for any personal input or freedom to express any ideas other than copyrighted watchtower thinking.. .
"Many who have refused to listen for years
have experienced a change of heart. Economic
reversal, illness, a death in the family/ or reports
of disturbing events on the world scene
may prompt such a change."
Yup, prey on the needy and those seeking hope.....
''son, i want you to go down to earth and eventually get killed.
then i'll bring you back to life in heaven asap''.
how the hell do 'christians' justify calling that a sacrifice?.
And if he's the Almighty why can't he just waive his so called rules and forgive man who never sinned anyway because they weren't born yet? He wants us to be forgiving. WT is trying to explain everything in the Bible and trying to make it fit logicvally just manages to sound incredibly stupid.
assemblies used to go for 5 days which caused problems for brothers with work was changed to thursday to sunday......then half of thursday to sunday.....then 3 days only.
does anyone remember this....i remember 3 and a half days.
There also three day circuit assemblies. They would begin on Friday evening, then the usual Saturday and Sunday.