Cancelled bookstudy- but do you remember 4 day Assemblies!!!

by Witness 007 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Assemblies used to go for 5 days which caused problems for brothers with work was changed to Thursday to Sunday......then half of Thursday to Sunday.....then 3 days only. Does anyone remember this....I remember 3 and a half days.

  • DaCheech

    i remeber those 4 day assemblies, we had one in the mid 80's in giants stadium and it rained 3 out of 4 days!

    my bible study conductor used to tell us of the "glory days" of those 8 day assemblies

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I remember the four day assemblies. I don't think it will be long before conventions are only two days.


  • four candles
    four candles

    I certainly do....................even 6 day special international assemblies. They just seemed to drag on. We also had friday night sessions at the curcuit assembly which was a bind!!

  • blondie

    Actually I remember 8 day assemblies--1969.

  • DaCheech

    in the mid 80's I attended a international assembly in canada.

    we has 3 1/2 days of talks, and a 1/2 day in field service.

    the only highlight of the assembly was the diffrent language groups singing together.

    the biggest lowlight was the 1 1/2 hour travel to hotel, and the food always running out..... i have no idea how my stomach survived!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    God - how depressing! These threads always remind me of how many years I wasted with the cult. I recall the 73 International in Yankee Stadium - I believe that was at least 5 days, maybe 6? And many 4 day assemblies, and all the reduced schedules since then. I think that 2 day conventions will be the standard fare before long. Jeff

  • eyeslice

    I too remember 8 day assemblies when I was a kid.

    We still have a programme somewhere in the house. If I can find it I will try to scan it and will post it one day.

  • Bonnie_Clyde
    Actually I remember 8 day assemblies--1969.

    Also 1958, the international assembly in New York City was 8 days. There was a big one in 1963--seems like it was 6 days. I was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Bonnie

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    That 8 day assembly back in 69 was grueling, right smack in the middle of summer , I had a terrible ingrown toe nail on my big toe as you would guess it

    what would happen when walking amougst 50,000 people......ouch

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