I think the valid meaning would be whatever John meant. That probably was what the WT says it is, all mankind alienated from God.
For me, I have reevaluated EVERYTHING. That includes what the Bible says. So I don't accept that I have to alienate or "not love" anyone on those merits. I use a standard that revolves on compassion and unconditional love for all.
John may have also meant intangible things like material possessions and philosophies, but that just gets too nebulous for me which is one problem with much of this religious stuff. It comes from another era. Fundamentalists can't seem to grasp the thought that we have gotten better at quantifying things today and therefore ancient texts should not be strictly relied upon.
JoinedPosts by truthsetsonefree
What is the "world" we must not love?
by Awakened at Gilead injohn2:15-17)15 do not be loving either the world or the things in the world.
if anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him; 16 because everything in the worldthe desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of ones means of lifedoes not originate with the father, but originates with the world.
17 furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of god remains forever.. how do you understand this scripture after leaving jws?.
Here in NYC mostly Citibank. All Bethel accounts I knew of were there as well.
Isaac -
Its been a year...
by truthsetsonefree inyesterday i celebrated my one year anniversary of leaving jehovah's witnesses.
i have no regrets, except to coin a line always recited at assemblies about pioneering: i only wish i had left sooner.
my life has been anything but dull.
In our calendar April 2 is now called Freedom Day. "Let us be nothing but joyful"
I like that.
OM: I hope at least one grunt Bethelite Service Dept letter opener read it and started thinking.
Its been a year...
by truthsetsonefree inyesterday i celebrated my one year anniversary of leaving jehovah's witnesses.
i have no regrets, except to coin a line always recited at assemblies about pioneering: i only wish i had left sooner.
my life has been anything but dull.
Copy A@G.
Isaac -
Its been a year...
by truthsetsonefree inyesterday i celebrated my one year anniversary of leaving jehovah's witnesses.
i have no regrets, except to coin a line always recited at assemblies about pioneering: i only wish i had left sooner.
my life has been anything but dull.
She is adorable. I hope one day to have more kids too. And maybe she will get used to my girlfriend as well.
http://www.isaaccarmignani.blogspot.com -
I think I just need to tell the story to someone who will get it?
by aimless inhi everyone, im new.
i've been feeling a burden on myself for the years that i have been out and i just don't know how to ease it.
i can't talk about the organization or the people in it to anyone... if i try i immediately feel sick and want to close up and just disappear.
Boy have you come to the right place! Just about everyone here "gets it"! Welcome.
http://www.isaaccarmignani.blogspot.com -
Its been a year...
by truthsetsonefree inyesterday i celebrated my one year anniversary of leaving jehovah's witnesses.
i have no regrets, except to coin a line always recited at assemblies about pioneering: i only wish i had left sooner.
my life has been anything but dull.
Yesterday I celebrated my one year anniversary of leaving Jehovah's Witnesses. I have no regrets, except to coin a line always recited at assemblies about pioneering: I only wish I had left sooner.
My life has been anything but dull. I have tuned into my job, gotten a girlfriend who loves me, and am well on the way towards winning half custody of my daughter and having enough legal control to keep her from the more drastic of fates that the WT has to offer, most specifically dying a premature death due to a flawed policy on blood. My only pain has been having lost many good friends. But when I consider the friends that I have gained, including those in the exJW meetup group I am involved with (http://exjw.meetup.com/333/) I feel like what Jesus is alleged to have said is true: One gains mothers and brothers and sisters. Which goes to show that many of the "truths" which JWs hold in such high esteem do not necessarily stand up to reality.
So here is to never going back, and to helping many more to leave and enjoy their newfound freedom.
http://www.isaaccarmignani.blogspot.com -
by Terry in1873 [six thousand years of man's existence ends in a.d. 1873] {wr apr 1880 88}.
1873 "here we furnish the evidence that from the creation of adam to a.d. 1873 was six thousand years.
and though the bible contains no direct statement that the seventh thousand will be the epoch of christ's reign, the great sabbath day of restitution to the world, yet the venerable tradition is not without reasonable foundation.. if, then, the seventh thousand-year period of earth's history be an epoch specially noted as the period of christ's reign, we shall, by showing that it began in a.d. 1873, be proving that we are already in it.
"When was the last time any Watchtower publication made mention of this event which stirred so much interest among Jehovah's true servants that they published the same event TWICE and got it wrong both times??"
A very good point. This was such a big deal for many of us. Yet newer JWs wouldn't know what we're talking about.
http://isaaccarmignani.blogspot.com -
OMG!!!!! How do they think they will get away with this... June 15 WT
by ImFreeatlast ini was just looking through the june 15 study wt and on page 9 at the bottem of paragraph 10 it says.... additional "disgusting things" include acts of pedophilia and other forms of sexual immorality committed by clergymen and tolerated by the church authorities.
is it any wonder that jehovah god will soon rid this earth of false religion?.
Remember this is the study edition. No one Unconverted reads it (except us perhaps). And very few with critical thinking read any of their published works anyway.
http://www.isaaccarmignani.blogspot.com -
Worlds Apart
by truthsetsonefree inwe are just back from watching worlds apart.
we all thought that this is the best, most accurate movie on this topic that we have ever seen.
i hope to post more on it once i've gotten some rest.
I got this from the local staff at the theater:
You can check with the Danish Film Institute in regards to future screenings of that movie:
We are glad that you enjoyed it as much as we did.