I do feel alot better since finding this site. I have been reading posts all day about various topics, and I really like it. I tried to keep an open mind about JW because at first, all I knew was the holiday/birthday deal. My fiancee is a rational, intelligent person, so I figured there must be some reason he believes in this faith. Again, not to convert myself, but to at least be informed. He was born into the JW and he had never attended any other church, not even non-denominational. When I proposed that he come to my church at least once, and I would go to one of his meetings or have a bible study in our apartment, he looked at me as if I suddenly sprouted a third breast! He was fine with me coming to one of his meetings, but would not even entertain the thought of coming with me. I saw then how serious he was, but I never thought he would become so cold toward me in so short of a time. All of this has transpired since thanksgiving of this year. He moves out at the end of January, and I dread going home everyday. I really miss the person he was, or I knew him to be. He is not rude or even unfriendly, he just acts as if we college roommates. He has even started sleeping on the couch. It hurts so bad, I just feel like crying.
JoinedPosts by chelys
Loosing my fiancee'
by chelys ini am 27 year old non jw female, and my fiancee is a non-practicing jw.
his mother is very devout, and they are very close.
we live together, and he did tell me early on that he was jw, but at the time i only knew they did not celibrate any holidays, not the stuff about blood, voting, disfellowship, etc.
Loosing my fiancee'
by chelys ini am 27 year old non jw female, and my fiancee is a non-practicing jw.
his mother is very devout, and they are very close.
we live together, and he did tell me early on that he was jw, but at the time i only knew they did not celibrate any holidays, not the stuff about blood, voting, disfellowship, etc.
I guess I have always beleived that there are good things about just abour every faith, and that they teach love and tolerance. I know what the bible says about being unequally yoked, but at first I did not think this applied to our situation because I thought though we practiced (or did not practice):)differently, our love for the lord was the same. Only after learning more about JW am I seeing that may not be the case.
Loosing my fiancee'
by chelys ini am 27 year old non jw female, and my fiancee is a non-practicing jw.
his mother is very devout, and they are very close.
we live together, and he did tell me early on that he was jw, but at the time i only knew they did not celibrate any holidays, not the stuff about blood, voting, disfellowship, etc.
I am 27 year old non JW female, and my fiancee is a non-practicing JW. His mother is very devout, and they are very close. We live together, and he did tell me early on that he was JW, but at the time I only knew they did not celibrate any holidays, not the stuff about blood, voting, disfellowship, etc. That was 18 mnths ago, and we now live together. The first few mnths were fine. I am baptists, and I knew we were living in sin, but I was not ready to return to church yet. We celebrated my birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc, and though he says he liked it, he was depressed for weeks after these events. We started talking about getting married, and of course we talked about how we would raise the kids, etc. I was not thinking of converting, but I was open to learning more abt JW. His mother started sending Watchtowers and Awakes to the house along with their scripture book. I never attended a meeting, but I would read the scripture book with my bible to see where the big differences were, and how they were getting the meanings they were getting. I will be honest, it still makes no sense to me. All this time, he was still not practicing JW, but he had not denounced it either. This Thanksgiving we celebrated, but he was diagnosed with diabetes shortly after, and has become closer to practicing JW again. His mother calls twice a day now to have talks with him, and he has stopped showing affection at all. A week ago, he said he was moving out, but we would still be together. I understood what he was saying because I too wanted to renew my devotion to GOD and I knew us living together was wrong, so though I was sad, I was okay with it. We had been having other issues that were non religous based, and I think we both needed to grow a little more before getting married. Now, he says he does not want to be with me at all. He says we will never work out, and does not even want to try. He says he still loves me, but dating and being with me is wrong. After reading some og the other posts on this board I am more sure than ever that being a JW is not what I want to do, but at the same time I can't beleive I am loosing the only man I have truly loved because of it. I have been willing to compromise, but he just won't budge. I am not trying to change his views, though to be honest, I wish we were the same, I just can't beleive he would just totally cut us off, especially after some of the things he has told me what has happened to other members of his hall. He has not been baptised, so he has not been disfellowshipped, but he seems to be activly trying to go back. I just don't understand this religion. It seems like everything is evil. I could understand abt Christmas and how commercial it has become, but a birthday?! He says it is like worshipping that person to celebrate their birthday. It angers me and it makes me sad. Not sure if I should just let it go and try to heal and get over the whole thing, or see what can be done. Sorry about the long post, Chelsea