Quite a filthy demoralizing way to make money, being a stripper and a porn actor.
Kinda like politics. Maybe I shouldn't say that. I work in a political environment.
And lots of other jobs out there for that matter.
Quite a filthy demoralizing way to make money, being a stripper and a porn actor.
Kinda like politics. Maybe I shouldn't say that. I work in a political environment.
And lots of other jobs out there for that matter.
lol, those are moslty one dollar bills... but I think she's a stripper not a porn star.
have any of you who formally diassociated yourself from jehovah's witness by letter sent anything in writing to the entire congregation?
would it be considered bad form to send a letter to friends in the congregation regarding your decision and the reasons for it, before/after/simultaneously you send a letter to the boe?.
i think i would feel compelled to, out of acknowledgement that most of them would not speak to me after "the big announcement.
I know a family that all left and disassociated themselves, sending personal letters to the families they knew. I remember everyone saying how they were a bunch of apostates. People are going to say what they will, you do what you feel you need to do and don't worry about what anyone thinks.
or is tofu your bag?.
coco ambivalent.
oops I mispelled "vegetarian"
or is tofu your bag?.
coco ambivalent.
I've gone back and forth with being a vegatarian but when it comes down to it, I've gotta have meat...don't care too much about the potatoes though.
just beginning to open my eyes...my aunt, flyinghighnow is helping me along.
glad to be in a place where people understand.
i guess i'll be seeing you all around.
Welcome to the board! It's nice to see someone related to FHN on here, she's very respected around these parts.
do you miss the "friends"?.
do you miss the meetings?.
do you miss field service?.
do nice guys lose to bad boys?.
[see advert.
i'm afraid to look ...].
I think the "bad boys" come off as confident and secure which is very appealing but then the cocky arrogance gets old fast and you get tired of chasing something that was never really yours or even what you thought it was.
With nice guys sometimes, they for whatever reason, don't step up to the plate. Women don't want to do all the work to make something happen...
It seems like there should be more of a happy medium.
bro dan ....recently started a thread about sending in our photos.. is not the fruit inside the shell more important?.
who are you?...........................i dont have the guts to start!!.
I'm online on a Friday night. Feeling a little slighted by reality and just trying to make sense of everything.
i'm sure this isn't an uncommon question but i'll ask anyway.. suppose you had the chance to suggest one book, essay, article, or other writing with the goal of helping a loved one wake up... which one would it be?.
bear in mind the goal is to subvert the programmed hair-trigger defenses that cause a complete shutdown of critical thinking.
this automatically excludes anything that would directly place the wt society or its history in a negative light.
Since Witnesses are so controlled by what they're allowed to read I'd suggest what snapped me out of it and got me really thinking. It was just an article on a woman who used to be into Scientology- I believe she was really involved, pretty high up. I can't remember exactly which article it was but there's a million of them online all very similar stories. Anyone reading some of those experiences will realize the similarity between the witnesses with the control tactics and what they do when you try to leave. It freaked me out enough to finally admit Witnesses were a cult too.