I'm in Missouri! Add me if you like.
ok there are so many americans on the map now i had to split you all in half.. valis was kind enough to let me place the maps on his website until i found a new home for them.. photobucket seems to be a good option - at least for now.
so i have uploaded the new maps which have been updated to include everyone who has asked.. so if you were wondering where we are from.
or how close you are to other jwd posters in your area just take a look.
I'm in Missouri! Add me if you like.
i desperately miss my relationship with my mother.
this is not from a space of momma's boyism.
this is from a space of missing a good friend.
Thanks for the support. I hope it goes well too. Even if it doesn't, I'm going to try
i desperately miss my relationship with my mother.
this is not from a space of momma's boyism.
this is from a space of missing a good friend.
I desperately miss my relationship with my mother. This is not from a space of momma's boyism. This is from a space of missing a good friend. After I chose to break the unhealthy bonds of co-dependency, my mother and I had a great relationship. I have no one of a mind like hers. With that said, I miss the relationship.
I have been struggling with the idea of at least exposing her to the things I have found out from research. The reason for the struggle arises at the point where I am accountable for my own salvation/actions/choices versus accountability to the truth. I have chosen accountability to the truth. The breaking point came for me when I realized that I couldn't keep something from someone that I love.
The basic plan is firstly to get around the defense of not being able to talk about the truth with me. The idea is to get her to use the bible to prove that. (She won't be able to) After this my goal is to tell her that I cannot resolve some of the issues that have arisen from my research. Then let her find the answers for herself.
so, after many countries and voyages...what have i learned?.
the more i learn, the less i know.. where to begin?.
there is this elusive thought, a star in which i can touch with my fingertips but just can grasp it, evertime my process of understanding of a situation unfolds...it disappears into a sea of apathy.. there is a common link with all humanity.
Holding onto hope is human. I will give up my life before I give up my private hopes in people. I do not base my life nor choices around this childish belief. However, without it I am subject to being sub human and more animal than I can stomach. Hope and waiting are two related words in Spanish. Waiting however can be a mindset and not a physicality. I choose to hope and wait on my mothers self imposed captivity. Without it she becomes just a cause to me and I stop seeing her as she is. I need my hate. I need my faimily, therefore, I need my hope.
just wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
I'm gonna quote myself, because I said it best.
I have fought myself on whether to reply to your comments. Perhaps as at the first of my comments, my words will go well over your head. I'll try to keep my words monosyllabic and perhaps I'll spell phonetically.
Um. yeah. What else can I add. Use your senses in proportion. Learn. Listen. Let go of all of this anger and hate. We aren't just avatars and snappy comebacks to sillyness. We are people who have been where you are going. We are not filth nor scum nor haters of God. We are simply experienced. GBL has it right. Have a little courage. Show a little humility.
just wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
how are you in the slightest immitating our LORD?? You sound like christiandom, you can do whatever you want, but your saved as long as you go to church on sunday. You say that you have a good heart condition but you constantly sneer your nose at Jehovah's table and pick and choose what you will eat, you critisize his organization and encourage otheres to do the same with your APOSTACY and you say that you have a good heart condition??? Please explain. Yes you will be granted a swift death but weather it will be a decent burial is highly unlikely
Firstly, I'd like you to know that I defended (now regretfully) you on another thread to someone I respect who I thought disrespected you. With that said, I have fought myself on whether to reply to your comments. Perhaps as at the first of my comments, my words will go well over your head. I'll try to keep my words monosyllabic and perhaps I'll spell phonetically.
My imitation of our LORD is actually between him and me. But I'll share. I read my bible everyday. I talk to his father, everyday. I try to live my life by the course he set out. I live as much like a Christian now as I did when I attended my five weekly meetings. Funny I imagine that your branding of an apostate to me, even though you don't know me is actually in imitation of Jesus. Let me help you:
a·pos adj.
a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc
Did Jesus not turn his back on Judaism? Hm. I am an apostate? So be it. I think. I do not simply accept what I am told. Did Paul not encourage us to be like the Boreans who did this? What would they have done if they'd found something that wasn't correct? Would they have continued on course, or would they have probed further do find out why?
How do I sound like "christiandom"/Christendom? I am not trying to save myself from anything. If death is what my God wants from me, he can have my life any time he chooses. My only goal in life is truth. I search for truth wherever (including this website) I can find it. Picking and choosing things to eat is a way that animals stay alive. Do you know that you cannot get a cat to eat anything sour or rotten? I do not ingest spiritual food that is sour or rotten. Can you imagine the infection? What if I shared this with my children and other family members? Would I not be responsible for their unavoidable illness to come?
you critisize his organization and encourage otheres to do the same with your APOSTACY and you say that you have a good heart condition
I know you aren't yet baptized but you must know from your studies that your Lord is the reader of hearts. Who are you to say what color or weight mine is. Prove to me from the bible that this is God's organization. Then we will have a basis to discern whether I've criticized it. I encourage no man to do anything, save to think. I am here for me.
Yes you will be granted a swift death but weather it will be a decent burial is highly unlikely
I shudder to think of my response to you if you had the courage that in person you'd lack if you spoke to me this way. I cannot promise that I'd be able to restrain my physical and verbal response to you. When I first read this, I laughed until I cried. Funny stuff. That you know my future so well reminds me of one of those color personality tests that never tell you anything about yourself except for the occasional vague rhetoric. Again, you judge me. Again, you judge me without basis nor reason. I welcome death if God wills it. I welcome life if tomorrow I am granted it. Decent burial unlikely. Who are you to decide that? Read your words and ask yourself if you sound more like Jesus or more like Satan. Would "our" Lord say these things to me?
CHL (of the I'll hold my tongue class) edited to say that I regret defending those that have no defense. There is a defense for ignorance. There is no defense for stupidity or undkiness or judgemental behavior
my supervisor is starting to drive me nuts!.
we have a cmr system to track all of the different programing tasks that need to be accomplished.
as we work on each cmr item we are supposed to put notes and messages to people in the thread so everyone knows what has happened with each cmr.
You might be right, I may not take things into consideration that they do. However, there are 2 managers whose job is redundant. The more incompetent of these had her job saved by her boss because he has a thing for her. He took some of the people from a different group and put them under her so it would appear that she has more responsibility than she does. Really and truly I can't imagine all of the things it takes to make things work as a manager... all of the ass kissing and diplomacy to other groups just to keep things flowing. With that said, there are a whole lot of backdoor shanaigans and tom foolery going on in this place.
i thought i would share an experience from the congregation i was assosiated with in utah.
about 17 years ago i caught my 15-year-old stepson molesting my 3-year-old daughter.
of course, the first action taken was to call the elders.
Letting go is the hardest part. You have a right to be angry. I would be. That said, you have a long commitment to something that at least at one point in your life you believed to be your salvation. That is a powerful feeling that cannot be easily disconnected. When ready, you will just jump. Then the answers and such will come on their own, just by you pushing forward.
my supervisor is starting to drive me nuts!.
we have a cmr system to track all of the different programing tasks that need to be accomplished.
as we work on each cmr item we are supposed to put notes and messages to people in the thread so everyone knows what has happened with each cmr.
Yeah. Corprate structure never ceases to amaze nor piss me the f*ck off. I have 3 supervisors above me who I see doing nothing all day long. The days they aren't here, no one misses them because THEY DON"T DO ANYTHING. My company is being sold from it's parent engineering company to another and they are all scared because they know their days are numbered. I can't wait.
just wondering if this happened to any of you.
did you ever go to the service group and be assigned to the different car groups.....and then....the sister that is assigned to go with you...decline and say...'i am just going by myself today and do my return vistits by myself'..... damn, i should have complained about that one!
it was very rude!
My man, if you believe that Jehovah is God and Jesus is your king, who are you to pass judgment? Is this not like asking your Lord to remove himself from his throne and allow you to judge his people? Do you overstep yourself slightly? Perhaps Jehovah and his Son judge us at worst as having good heart conditions for examining our beliefs in comparison to the organizations that we ally ourselves with as many of his prophets did in ancient times. While not elevating ourselves to the stature of prophets, perhaps we can do best to imitate their example, chief among these being Jesus. Perhaps Jehovah in his reading of hearts will see fit to grant us at worse a proper burial because we've followed our bible trained consciences and our hearts.
Truly, as most of the people on this site, I'm searching for truth, my truth. That can be comletely independent of your truth, but still nonetheless valid for me. Judgement is the responsibility of a creator or a judicial system. We are none of these things. So who are you to judge my friend?
Are these things possible?