I just have a few things to say about what you have said here.
The first being that I am glad you used the word "we" when you wrote these words.
At least you included yourself in what you are saying.Otherwise I would want to jump through my computer and ring your neck!
You must understand that the circumstances made it impossible for Silentlambs and group to be free of these types of accusations.
If you really think about it, the only way that Silentlambs and the rest of the group could possibly be completly free of such accusations of having a mixed aganda is if they had never been JWs or connected to them in any way.
But then you would run into another problem,
No one that's not emotionally connected and understands what's really going on here with this issue would have ever lifted a little finger to help these victims!
We are doing the best we can do under the circumstances and we have to continue doing what we know is right no matter what people accuse us of.There was no way to have a completly unbiased group doing this work.
And one more thing that I want you to remember is that it is wrong of you or anyone else to judge an entire group's motives as being the same. We are individuls each with our personal feelings and agendas.You can't read minds.
I know there are some who are angry and may fantasize about the downfall of the WT but if you took the time to find out why you would realize their feelings are legitimate.
You seem to want to ignore the pain and suffering many have been through and expect perfection and want to act like they are wrong for feeling the way they do.They have a right to their personal feelings.
Some would be appeased at a change in WT policy and I am sure others decide to take it farther.Silentlambs has no control over this.
SO what?It does not change the cold hard facts in this issue.
One more thing.Silentlambs is a supportgroup for victims.Even if WT changes it's policy the need for this group is still there.The victims don't dissapear if policy changes.These people still need help.
I think you need to try to understand what silentlambs is all about.It's not just about changing Wt policy.