Having been born into "the truth" in '76, my reality began in the early '80's. For my entire life I've heard about the "evil Apostates". We always thought that they had been "sent" as a test. We had the "truth" and whenever we saw or heard anything contrary Satan was trying to draw us away. Naturaly, we would pass such test. It's important to understand that anytime someone speaks out against the Organization to a JW, you are actually VALIDATING what the WTS has taught them. In effect they have created their own self fullfilling prophecy.
It's been a real shock for me to learn about the Bethel purge of 1980. Also to read Ray Franze's account of what happened is an eye opener. But the rank and file JW is so programmed that they will never know such things. Thus they will go on in darkness.
What do I think now of Apostates? I feel that it is the WTS that is in apostasy! It is they who have violated the word and commands of Jesus Christ. It is they who have inserted themselves into the role Jesus placed upon himself, that of mediator. It is the WTS who has created a new Pharasiac Law Code. I cannot imagine that heaven could smile upon them.