My wife attended the Special Assembly day this last Sunday. Here are some interesting points.
1. Attendance was 700. (Typically, attendance tops 1000)
2. One person was baptized. (That's right only ONE person).
3. Just before lunch it was announced that the cost of holding the assembly that day was $4000. At that point only $2000 had been contributed, and could the brothers please pony up the rest? (The assembly hall is owned by the Society, for at least 20 years. The obvious question is what the f&ck costs $4000? There was no breakdown in costs given, only the usual quilt laden request for more cash).
4. My wife talked to some old friends from our circuit (she's was attending with her parents, who live in another circuit). Apparently the attendence at our assembly day was 500. Now that shocked the hell out of me. When I was still in, an assembly day was shoulder to shoulder, with at least 1200 people attending. The assembly hall is built to hold at least that many, so I can only imagine how bare it looked with 500 "loyal christian witnesses" there.
5. An interesting statement was made....."All major prophecies in the book of Daniel have now been fullfilled, the end is only moments away."
6. The WTS is apparently increasing their rhetoric against higher education of any sort.