I think that the WTS continually tells the parents that they should be instructing their children in the "Truth" "Crap" so they will become baptised members ASAP, most of the parents think, that if their children get baptized early this will serve as a protection for them when they reach their teenage years, since they will have already made this vow with Jehovah the WTS.
The reality of course is that these parents are really setting their children up for massive stress and trauma when their hormones kick in, indulge in sexual behavior, and are ultimately faced with losing all their freinds and family when they are df'd. I am so glad that I found out the Truth about the "Truth" now, before my two kids got baptized. I remember in 2004 we were talking to them about becoming approved publishers so that they could get ready to get baptized, I'm so glad this never happened.
My kids are free and very happy now, we all believe in a creator, but no longer believe in the BS that is organized religion, they no longer worry about Persecution (the little one nightmares about this, he worried that they would take us away from him), Tribulation, or the damned Armaggedon, yes life is truly wonderful now that we are beyond all this WTS CRAP!
I feel sorry for the kids in my KH many of them have gotten baptized and are younger than 14, it's sad, really SAD!