What I have learned in the course of my unbrainwashing is that....there are no annointed. This is just a made up thing, to be able to govern the flock. If you do research on the first president of the WTS Rutherford a supposed annointed and drunkard Rutherford another supposed annointed you realize that this is all bunk, these guys did things that were very questionable to say the least. I believe that some people convince themselves that they are annointed (whatever that really means), maybe they go into some kind of trance where they feel weird stuff, but more than likely they have mental issues, I have known a few where this was definitely the case.
The fact that the GB doesn't give a damn what any of them has to say all the while teaching that these people are the ones handling the spiritual food given to the R & F, is a clear sign that they themselves know this is BS, I mean come on, what are the chances that Freddie Franz was of the annointed and somehow his nephew Ray (whom I do admire) eventually happens to be annointed too.
At one point of my awakening after I was convinced that the WTS was wrong, I believed that the evil slave was leading them and that Jehovah would clear it up, back when I would post on ewatchman this is what he believes, I began researching different translations of the bible and bought an NIV bible, wow, I was blown away at what a difference a good translation makes, at one point I started seeing how the WTS has undermined Jesus's role in the religion, how everything is only about Jehovah, my appreciation for Jesus and his sacrifice grew so much, that out of the blue I said "Jesus I accept you into my heart" what happened next really was amazing, I felt overcome with love, I had goosebumps and just felt an incredible feeling" I was confused to say the least, I started believing that we all go to heaven, just from reading the bible because this is what is appears to say, in Romans.
Well, if an active JW would have had a similar experience I can see how they would believe they were annointed. I don't want to hijack this thread, but feel I need to explain what happened next... I later realized that I made that happen myself, I believed in something so strongly that those feelings just welled up in me. When I kept moving on in my journey I studied the bible with the Hebrew lexicon, and a bible computer program that shows the original hebrew words and their english translation, I was amazed at what a farce it all was, I found many error, contradictions and utter nonsense, and I thought how could this be the word of God? To make a long story short, I no longer believe that the bible is the inerrant word of god, it's just a mix of myths, stories, wisdom literature and some history, today you can clearly see where the Hebrews got some of these stories and such from sometimes almost word for word, it's amazing really that so many people have believed this stuff. Anyway, I'lle stop here, that stuff is for another post. Soooo.......basically I believe the worlds "annointed" are not called to Brooklyn to be GB members, because the GB know they made the stuff up and don't want anyone taking the control from them.