JoinedPosts by Ingenuous
A Different Kind of Apocalypse
by Ingenuous ini made a version of this cake for the step-kid's birthday:.
rainbow cake recipe inspires comment apocalypse.
yes, things were frozen.
Pics of my amateur efforts below. I tried, unsuccessfully, to put symbols of my kid's favorite theme - "peace, love, and music" - on it but... yeah.
Someone, somewhere suggested it would be neat to present a plain white cake and, when you cut into it - RAINBOWS! I'll definitely use a white cake recipe and more coloring next time I try this.
A Different Kind of Apocalypse
by Ingenuous ini made a version of this cake for the step-kid's birthday:.
rainbow cake recipe inspires comment apocalypse.
yes, things were frozen.
I made a version of this cake for the step-kid's birthday:
Rainbow Cake Recipe Inspires Comment Apocalypse
Yes, things were frozen. I cannot say for how long...
On Tattoos
by tim hooper intattoos may look great for a while on a young person, but as you get older they'll just look plain stupid.
your credibility will fade as you and your tattoo age together.
your skin will be permanently stuck in a timewarp, like some old newspaper headline that once meant something but later becomes meaningless.
I suppose it's a matter of personal perspective. I think 'Grandpa' looks awesome In fact, I think all of these folks look awesome. I think their ink suggests an attitude I hope to carry well into my later years:
"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming 'Wow! What a Ride!' "
i was happy before i woke up
by losingit inidk if waking up has been good for me.
i still have almost no friends.
im still waiting to graduate this december to qualify n b certified for my job.
I was about to reply when I realized I was typing out the entire article I already wrote here:
Hope you find something helpful!
Jesus as a Ransom for Humans or not
by fulltimestudent ini have not got an answer (theoretical or not) to the above question.. but the main text book (introducing the new testament- its literature and theology - achtemeier, green and thompson) for my study unit (early christian literature and thought) in the assigned reading for today's lecture on the gospel of john, has a section on the ransom.
it says (p. 237): one of the few passages that explicitly speaks of jesus dying for others is mark 10:45:.
"for even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.. .
After avoiding the BIble for a while, I decided to start up my studies again with some translations that provided context along with a translation. I picked up "The Jewish Annotated New Testament", which is based on the NRSV. Some notes I found interesting, and hope you find useful:
In the introductory comments to John, the editors mention that they don't favor the theory that the "Johannine" followers of Jesus were kicked out of the synagogue, immediately, due to their beliefs. In support of this, they site Rabbi Akiva, who confessed his own favorite for Messiah without undue damage to his reputation within the community. The editors do suggest, however, that the negative light "the Jews" are portrayed clearly portray tensions between the larger community and this group of professed believers, and this Gospel may reflect the development of their separation in thought and behavior from the synagogue over time. It looks as if the Johannine community was a culturally mixed one that aimed to become moreso.
As far as the "ransom" question: The editors' notes aren't particularly interesting when it comes to chapter 10, but do become more specific when talking about the 'last supper' discourse in chapter 14. In discussing verses 6-11, they note: "[v. 6] 'The way', a summary of Johannine Christology. Christ-believers called themselves '"The Way" (Acts 9:2). '', knowledge of truth is more like a personal relationship, instead of an intellectual experience... To 'see' Jesus [v. 7] is not a visual experience but one of personal knowledge; therefore to know Jesus and to understand his life is to understand and know the life of God."
"I don't care if it's teachings are false, I'd never leave because it's the best way of life"
by 4thgen inhave you ever heard that statement?
i have heard it many times and i just don't know what to do with it.
they are chosing a to live a lie because they like the lifestyle.
A big on both of nicolaou's posts.
And to the point of continuing to preach after coming to this conclusion: I had a huge struggle when I was still in with going door-to-door, possibly convincing others to come to the meetings and join this religion, when I knew of serious moral and ethical issues in my own congregation and with the more extensive parts of the Org. It bothered me greatly to think that I was trying to convince others to become part of a group where they would get little support or compassion for dealing with serious personal problems and where major issues within the group would go unaddressed - they would, among other things, be told to 'trust in Jehovah' in the face of negligence and nepotism. Chats with my Elder father yielded no satisfactory solution to this dilemma. YMMV.
Save a Life for $10
by bisous ini blogged about this and thought i would share it here.
april 25th is world malaria day.
there is a worldwide campaign to deliver enough anti-malaria nets to needy families to eradicate malaria.
Better yet - Play the "Deliver the Net" game on the site, and a net gets sent on your behalf for FREE! Email the link and get all your cheap friends involved!
Is Customer Service/Common Courtesy a dinosaur ?
by AK - Jeff ini have lamented for a long while about the lack of customer care in our area.
fast food restaurants have taken the fast food out it while the price keeps moving up.
service stations no longer exist - replaced by self fuel bays in front of a so called 'convenience store' - and typically manned by a grumpy cashier.
Is customer service a dinosaur? Yes. I was recently in a shop where I put the bill I was paying with on the counter and slid it over to the cashier while he was ringing up my purchase. I was then subjected to a chiding wherein the cashier stated how offensive it was that I put the bill on the counter instead of handing it to him. He asked how I'd feel if someone did that to me. I said I wouldn't care. I then apologized that my mind-reading abilities were on the fritz that day - he graciously replied, "That's OK."
Just want to show you what we saw...
by Merry Magdalene inthe end of may my daughter and i were walking an overgrown path to the river, going to take pictures of each other in the wild roses, when we saw this--right at the edge of the path:.
"mommy, look," she said.
"oh no," i thought.