Why do so many exjws give their power away? Don't you see that by excepting their judgement you are feeding the monster?
When I was practicing to become a doula and was madly passionate about letting every expectant parent I ran into know about it, my favorite quote was:
"If you don't know your options, you don't have any."
I still think this is true. If you have not researched/been informed of/experienced the options we have in life, you don't know they're there, and they might as well not even exist.
Even when reality starts to crack open the shell of isolation, old habits of thinking have literally blazed a trail in your brain that can make it difficult to remember what you've learned. Until you've burned a new pathway in your mind, it's like having the wipers on your car on intermittent: for a minute, you've got a clear view, but in no time the rain has clouded and distorted the glass again. It takes a lot of repeated effort to finally keep the view visible.
So please be patient as you continue to encourage those of us who are still trying to get used to reality. And keep your chin up, GGG!