* Money laundering for trying to conceal the source and recipient of financial transactions. * Tax evasion, if he was a knowing party to an all-cash business that wasn't filing taxes. * Violation of the Mann Act for paying for the trip from New York to D.C. by the call girl known as "Kristen." * Misuse of state resources, if he used his state-issued credit card for hotels or meals with prostitutes as well as if he was being protected by State Troopers during his dalliances. * And finally, soliciting prostitution.
I don't have a problem with prostitution - it's a consenting act between two adults. But I do think the guy is a gigantic ass because he built his career or prosecuting people for doing exactly what he did. He is a pompous ass who needs to get the same treatment he dished out to others. Spitzer has ruined a lot of lives. He's getting his just desserts.
The "now I law me down to sleep" prayer always freaked me out when I was little. It actually disturbed me to think that I might die that night. I really disliked that prayer.
i've been a faded jw for 10 years i left because of my failed first marriage, i'm no hypocrite and realised i had left completely so i embraced the world and dived in, only christmas and birthdays i could not get into, they were too foreign to me having never celebrated them, like if i suddenly tried to do ramadan or something like that.. 1/ all the criticisms of the people in the truth you say on here, i've found in the world, warts and all only in the world nothing holds them back from being utterly horrible to you.. 2/ i got stabbed by a worldly boyfriend, i got married 2 times of my own choosing to men outside the truth, the first smoked and was an alcoholic, the second gambled every penny we had and defrauded me out of money after we separated, 2 divorces later i am currently pregnant and a single mum since current boyfriend decided kids was to much of a responsibility and he needed his freedom and i was 'too selfish to expect him to give up his life'.. 3/ parents-in-law!
i have been shunned by them as equal to anything you accuse witness families of and for the silliest of reasons, i had a disabled son and his grandparents said they wanted nothing to do with him because they didn't want to become attached in case he died.. 4/ i miss the honest friendships of the truth, i had friends of all ages from 14 to 80 years old and they genuinely cared for me, many trying to keep me in the faith a long time after i left but i was determined to fade so moved away completely, but i find friendships in the world so shallow in comparison and very hard to sustain :( i've never been a drinker and sometimes thats what friendship means you being a companion for them to goto pub with.. 5/ my recent boyfriend was in a christian religion, i thought why not find out about it, harvest churches if you ever heard of them, unfortunately it still hasn't stop him leaving me pregnant and alone and when i said to him how does he clear that with god, he replies "as long as i repent it doesn't matter" it's like he has a "get out of jail free card" for any wrong-doing in the bible, this is so alien to me and my witness trained conscience.. 6/ i recently out of frustration tried looking into atheism and joined their forums, it wasn't fun, they are as bombastic and arrogant as their religious counterparts can be from any religion, they make a religion out of not believing in god, it's very weird they talk of saving people from believing in god and offer nothing to replace it.
they said to me "be happy you are in reality now and enjoy it" and i thought "well if this is reality i've had enough of it".
therefore, it may surprise them to learn that all the most commonly heard arguments for god's existence have been around in one form or another literally for centuries, and all of them were refuted soon after they were first proposed.
an alien "scientist" totally unfamiliar with the human and its anatomy comes to earth and sees a human sleeping.
it sees no other humans around, so has no frame of reference to evaluate this creature nor understand what it is doing.. the alien slices into the mans skull and pulls out the brain.
That morality which has been accepted by our Western Judeo-Christian civilization for millenia.
Wasn't slavery part of that morality until about 150 years ago? Just because a tradition or value is ancient, it doesn't make it right today. Morality and values change. Interracial marriage used to be taboo. Women being second class citizens was pretty much the standard until the last 100 years or so. I agree that certain cultural values are important to pass on (such as respect for rule of law and your fellow man), but some cultural value must be changed because they are focused on false assumptions (inferiority of other races, inferiority of women). The "evil" of being gay is fundamentally no different than the changed attitudes toward women, minorities, etc. The bible endorses slavery and virtual subordination of women. Why ignore those facts and cling so strongly to the internalized hated of gays?
Times change and so do values. With time, those who hate someone because of their sexual orientation will fade away too.