LOL. That video is precious.
JoinedPosts by jstalin
How ANTI-CREATIONISTS MISREPRESENT the Argument from Complex Design
by hooberus informally and explicitly stated the argument from design is written such as:.
) complexity defined specifically and 2.
) complexity defined specifically and 2.
Is rejecting supernatural explanations close-minded?
by inkling inhere is an excellent video regarding the accusation that skeptics are.
"close-minded" to the supernatural and to woo-based explanations .
if you have ever been on either side of one of these conversations, .
The anecdote video reminds me of my mother's story about a ouija board. She that when she was a teenager, she was at a friend's house and they were playing with a ouija board. There were two things that freaked her out. One was she asked how many children she would have. It said "3." Then she asked where the "spirit" lives. "It" responded "I dwell in hell." Well, she holds out its truth because she has three kids. However, she did have a fourth child who died only about a week after birth. Once I pointed this out to her when she told the story, and she dismissed it as "well, I have three surviving children.", ok.
so i had lunch with a dub friend i THOUGHT was a fader......oops.......
by oompa ina buddy for over twenty years who only goes to meetings once or twice a month....has a stach and big no parts or privleges and does not go in service...nor his his wife and i have had fun for years rolling our eyes at stoopid wt teachings...and even talked a bit about things we do not agree he knows i have not been for a long while until recently cause he was at one of the meetings i went to......but when i brought up some of the issues that caused my loss of faith...he was a bit defensive of the borg!....said he needed to do better?!?!
?....admitted many of the changes kinds sucked, but he seems to work through it in his mind.......i was soooo hoping we would hit it off again, but damm if he is still mentally in i guess.....just super slack!...........oompa.
Oompa - maybe - just maybe, you planted a seed in his mind.
How ANTI-CREATIONISTS MISREPRESENT the Argument from Complex Design
by hooberus informally and explicitly stated the argument from design is written such as:.
) complexity defined specifically and 2.
) complexity defined specifically and 2.
hooberus - Please lay your argument out in a logical syllogism. Your wording makes no sense as is.
I am in law school and we go over the tactics that cops use to try and get people to talk. These TSA jackasses are playing it by the book. I have to laugh when these buffoons are confronted with a thinking citizen who simply wants to exercise his rights. They go bonkers! Basically they are saying "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION OUR AUTHORITY!"
Just remember folks, the cops can't compel you to answer anything - other than basic info like your name and address. You have an absolute right to remain silent regarding anything else they ask you. Exercise your rights!
Did You Know Any "Gay" Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus ini suspect a few witnesses were not "straight" but didn't act on their sexual preferences.. i knew one up and coming bethelite who was approached by the bethel heavies and talked to about his "effeminate mannerisms" and was pretty much told that he could become a more prominent menmber of the bethel family if he "became more masculine looking" and preferably found a bethel sister to marry.
he followed the counsel and was thereafter a regular designated bethel speaker at district conventions.
interestingly, all of his bethel buddies thought the whole scenario was a hoot, knowing that he was really an effeminate man suddenly now looking very hetero..
om - I hope you don't still shun him...
Did You Know Any "Gay" Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus ini suspect a few witnesses were not "straight" but didn't act on their sexual preferences.. i knew one up and coming bethelite who was approached by the bethel heavies and talked to about his "effeminate mannerisms" and was pretty much told that he could become a more prominent menmber of the bethel family if he "became more masculine looking" and preferably found a bethel sister to marry.
he followed the counsel and was thereafter a regular designated bethel speaker at district conventions.
interestingly, all of his bethel buddies thought the whole scenario was a hoot, knowing that he was really an effeminate man suddenly now looking very hetero..
I have a friend that I'm sure is gay and is a JW. He does exactly what I used to do before I was out. He has had exactly one girlfriend (he's 24) and he says he doesn't really want to date because he doesn't want to "deal" with the emotional aspects of women. I actually feel sorry for him because I know how miserable it is, and it's probably even more miserable being a JW and gay.
Speaking of the creepy JWs that are massaging the younger "brothers," I think that the reason there is so much of this kind of behavior by closeted gay JWs (and in other religions) is that the repression of the religion leaves those who are gay little to no outlet for their feelings, so they do what they can within the confines of their environment to achieve the slightest bit of attention they crave. It's unfortuante that the very religion that abhors homosexuality is actually complicit in fostering completely inappropriate behavior. These guys have no chance to have a healthy gay relationship, so they end up being creepy. I'm not defending it, by any means, but just something to think about.
Gents, now you pls explain...
by Newborn inwhy certain/many, guys, goes silent on you when it feels good (and after being intimate) and leave us women feel abandoned, like a question mark, like a fool and desperate when trying to get hold of you and ask why?.
i mean it's fine if you need time etc but pls then just let us know when we'll hear back from you.
waiting is horrible.. i hate to be in this situation again.
Guys feel like they need to play the "game" too. We don't want to call again too quickly, otherwise we think we'll appear desperate or too clingy.
Did You Know Any "Gay" Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus ini suspect a few witnesses were not "straight" but didn't act on their sexual preferences.. i knew one up and coming bethelite who was approached by the bethel heavies and talked to about his "effeminate mannerisms" and was pretty much told that he could become a more prominent menmber of the bethel family if he "became more masculine looking" and preferably found a bethel sister to marry.
he followed the counsel and was thereafter a regular designated bethel speaker at district conventions.
interestingly, all of his bethel buddies thought the whole scenario was a hoot, knowing that he was really an effeminate man suddenly now looking very hetero..
I read a human sociological report that sated that 1 out every 10 males is gay
I personally think it's closer to 5%, but still a significant number.
Rallying the gays!
by jstalin init's been a while since i've been on here and just wondering if any of the gays are still around... in addition, if you are gay and new to the board (or even been here a while), go ahead and introduce yourself!.
if you're gay and stuck in the organization, this is a good place to talk about it and meet other people that are or have been where you are.
it's not a choice and there are plenty of people out there who understand what it is like to be in your position!.
jstalin - if that's your pic - you're a hot boy! And I love my gay boys - I do. We have loads of fun together.
Unfortunately, that's not me :( Just my worldly fantasy man.