Richie you are truly an amazing young man (and funny as he!!)
use whatever you want, but here's what i find useful:.
Richie you are truly an amazing young man (and funny as he!!)
page 31. the "empty thing" they keep "muttering," or meditating on, is the continuation of their own sovereignty.
nothing shakes them more than any threat to their rulership.
.. the worldwide preaching of the established kingdom of god done by jehovah's witnesses has become just such a threat to the nations.
I'm with Scully...Delusions of Grandeur for sure!
Also, with statements like this:
The worldwide preaching of the established Kingdom of God done by Jehovah's Witnesses has become just such a threat to the nations.They had better watch their backs before the Homeland Security agents come and lock them up in FEMA camps!
ok, its happened again!
but not to me this time, my 12 year old son.. last night he fell asleep on the couch, so i left him there and went to bed.
he wolk up about 3 am, and walked upstairs to his bedroom.
Some people have a very difficult time believing something scientist can't explain, but then again, scientists can only evaulate the material world - they do not have the tools to do otherwise.
That's the gist of the "Holographic Universe" book I mentioned earlier in this thread. Science does have the capability of exploring the quantum world beyond the material universe and by doing so sheds much light on so-call paranormal phenomena. You might want to check out some of physicist David Bohm's work...truly mind-blowing stuff.
ok, its happened again!
but not to me this time, my 12 year old son.. last night he fell asleep on the couch, so i left him there and went to bed.
he wolk up about 3 am, and walked upstairs to his bedroom.
My 2-cents:
1 - Lucid Dreams - http://www.lucidity.com/LucidDreamingFAQ2.html#LD
2 - I *highly* recommend reading this book "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot...it's a sub-theory of quantum physics that can help explain paranormal phenomena.
You can scan the table of contents, exerpts etc here :
controversial christian faction believes jesus was nailed to 2 parallel pieces of wood!
(now nail that to your torture stake!
Controversial Christian Faction Believes Jesus was Nailed to 2 Parallel Pieces of Wood! (now nail THAT to your torture stake!)
i was reading coc last night and i started pondering over minimus' post of how the dubs are saying this is the last memorial and the end is finally here.
then i remembered the teaching that the first setoff to the big a. any thoughts on this?.
luv, jojo
Maryjane, something like "This good news of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole earth, and then the end will come."Sound familiar?
Of course...lol But somewhere in the back of my mind I remember something to the effect that the society would formally stop the preaching work after Jehovah gives them the hi sign (i.e. it wouldn't be rudely interrupted by the great tribulation but would stop in advance)
...then jesus lied about how to identify the false prophets.. ...then jesus lied about the sign of his presence and of the conclusion of the system of things.. ...then the watchtower bible and tract society disassociated itself from true christianity through a repeated lack of neutrality.. ...then i will happily die at armageddon knowing i stood up against a god who supported a deceitful earthly corporation as his own.. but, i am not afraid they are right.
If witnesses are living in a spiritual paradise at the Kingdom Hall, then paradise must be a very very very dull place. Just picture an eternity of sitting at boring meetings and assemblies subjected to the same kind of "instruction from Jehovah" that some of us have been listening to for over 40 years already. I think after 1000 years of that I would be praying for the second death!Also, think of every annoying, judgemental, self-righteous, pompous JW you ever knew. If witnesses were right we would have to spend eternity with these people! Actually, I'm hoping the Catholics are right and I'm going to keep good company with the sinners in Hell. Look forward to seeing ya there Auld Soul. We'll meet up with tetrapod and sick of lies and have some laughs and some drinks!
Wasn't there something in a WT about "new books" in the new system? The fun and learning never ends!
I'm with you tho...I'd rather not exist than to spend eternity with a bunch of robots devoid of free will and true spirituality. They seem to think they're spiritual yet the thing holding them in the organization is fear of destruction/alienation from Jehovah. I'm not saying they don't love God, but it's almost like they're forced to worship (or else). That's not spirituality at all.
i was reading coc last night and i started pondering over minimus' post of how the dubs are saying this is the last memorial and the end is finally here.
then i remembered the teaching that the first setoff to the big a. any thoughts on this?.
luv, jojo
Going off on a slight tangent here but isn't there something in their body of beliefs that says the preaching work will be stopped (i.e. Jehovah will decide that the good news of the kingdom has been preached sufficiently then it stops then the big A comes?)
i was listening to a testimonial by valerie acuff and she said that she was sitting in an assembly, looking around at the crowd and thinking to herself, "this is your family, these are your people.".
she said at that moment she heard a voice inside say, "these are not your people, this is not your family, get up and leave now, and don't ever go back.
" so she took her two children at that very moment and left, and she never went back.
Hecklerboy wrote: Curcuit Assembly in 1996. I was sitting there listening to the speaker drone on and on while looking around at everyone. I suddenly started feeling very uncomfortable. Like I didn't belong there. I kept thinking "there has got to be more to life than this". So I got up and walked out never to step foot into a KH again. I still remember the feeling of walking out of the assemlby, down the steps and out to my car. I was a beuatiful sunny day and I felt so free and happy as I drove away. It was like that bubble I was in exploded and I could see everything around me clearer now.
Exact same way for me! (except Distric Assembly 1999) . I've had misgivings about a lot of JW things before but one day it just "hit me" like a spell had been broken and I just had to get out asap!
what was your reaction when you found the truth was a lie?
at first i felt like everything was confusing and i felt lost but after a week (yep only that) of learning more i felt better and even intelligent.. i had beaten one of the biggest lies alone!
For me it was a progressive "enlightenment" if you will...
I started questioning their claims that elders & min servs were appointed by holy spirit....when I realized the truth about that many other of my JW beliefs started crumbling as well. The whole process only took a couple of months. I came out in the summer of '99 and could not stomach the district convention (though I sat thru all 3 days in disgust) and the 1st regular meeting after the convention was my last. I felt like a spell had been broken and wondered what in the heck I was doing there! All of the "friends" seemed like robots instead of people. It was a very strange experience.
On the upside, it has made me a much more open-minded person about EVERYTHING and have come to realize that beliefs are very powerful yet there is no such thing as certainty. I am rarely dogmatic about anything and am content to say "I don't know". I think on some abstract level there is a thing called "truth" but it is not something the JW"s (or anyone else who claims to be so CERTAIN about life) has.