I was listening to a testimonial by Valerie Acuff and she said that she was sitting in an assembly, looking around at the crowd and thinking to herself, "This is your family, these are your people."
She said at that moment she heard a voice inside say, "These are not your people, this is not your family, get up and leave now, and don't ever go back." So she took her two children at that very moment and left, and she never went back. She went on to become a born-again Christian and has been involved in some awesome ministries since then.
I just wondered if you would share the "moment" you had, when you KNEW the WTS was not right and that you needed to leave? Did you leave immediately, or did you stick around to try to help get others out also? Are you a Christian now? What have you done since you left? Are you interested in helping others (not necessarily just JW exit)?
We have a mini-blizzard here in Indiana, so I will be snowed in all day. It was all sunshine and daffodils yesterday. They say if you don't like the weather in Indiana, just wait a minute. It's true! It is suppose to be melted off tomorrow. Looking forward to all the posts. I'll be on a lot today.