I must confess that I am more of a "lurker" in this forum than a poster. I do, however, have some knowledge of the events that transpired in this case and I would like to add my two cents. It was when I first began my journey from the Watchtower Society some six years ago that I became acquainted with the Channel C forum. Looking for an alternative to my JW upbringing, I had hoped to find a place where close-minded dogmatism was replaced with open-minded dialogue. At first I thought I had found such a place. Over time, however, it became apparent that Channel C was not the kind of forum I had imagined. I know Jim Caputo personally. He and Tom Cabeen were the first ex-JW's I came into contact with as I began my exit from the WTS. I've known Jim Caputo for six years and during that time have had many conversations with him. At no time during our exchanges did Jim proselytize or attempt to convince me that I would be any lesser of a person if I did not join the Catholic Church. I can say in all honesty that you will never meet a person more open-minded than Jim Caputo. That doesn't mean that he doesn't have an opinion to express. But he always leaves the option open to you as to whether or not to accept it. I will never forget the time Jim said to me, "If you were to call me tomorrow and tell me that you accept the Faithful and Discreet Slave as God's authority, I would still accept you as a friend". I was a witness to many of the exchanges between Jim P. and Jim C. when they first took place. I felt that it amounted to nothing more than a smear campaign by Jim P. I have read many of the posts of Jim P. that do not pertain to the Catholic faith, but to his distaste for the WTS. I have always been amazed at the irony of this. Jim P. has no problem criticizing the WTS for it's close-mindedness and intolerance to divergent beliefs, but has not problem taking the same approach to those who disagree with him, especially when it comes to matters of doctrine. While I respect the education Jim P. has received in Church History, he has displayed by his comments that he has some bias, or even ignorance, when it comes to certain features of this field. Even if after all his research and education he has come to have a different view that Jim C., he should at least allow him the courtesy of having an opinion. I saw on Channel C how while any diatribes against Catholicism were not only tolerated, but encouraged. On the other hand, any defense against such criticisms were automatically labeled as "proselytizing". Even an attempt to correct simple misunderstandings of the Catholic faith were met with the most severe condemnation. The truth is, there are many on Channel C who have sincere questions and who are not looking for debate. Perhaps they will join the Catholic faith, perhaps they will not. Whatever decision they make, it must be a balanced and informed decision. It is for this reason that they should here both sides, not simply restricted to hearing only what those against the Catholic faith have to say. I am not an apologist for the Catholic faith. At this point in my life I do not affiliate myself with any religious faith. I am, however, opposed to intolerance, which I believe the Channel C forum is guilty of. To those who are not familiar with it, it may seem like a place for those who have questions about their faith to find open-minded dialogue. Many who come to such forums are a different places in their life. Some have begun their exit from the WTS. Others are just considering it. Or perhaps they have no desire to exit, but just want to have an outlet for their doubts. It is important, therefore, that in whatever forum they find themselves, they are able to find others who will be tolerant of their beliefs. When I left the WTS I wanted to escape intolerance, not simply find another environment conducive to intolerance. And this is what I feel Channel C has created. It feels like they've created their own online version of the WTS. It is for this reason that I no longer have any interest with Channel C.