WHERE is the "moderator alleged" RUMOR in my posts?
My posts contain factual info backed up by excerpts from Watchtower publications.
FACT: Charles Taze Russell suffered from age 14 until his death with "sick headaches". He also suffered with severe hemmorroids for 25, 30, and maybe 40 years depending on the source. Russellites claim he also suffered with cistitis for 40 years.
FACT: He diagnosed minor health problems and acted as drug dispenser for his ow family and other relatives. It is a reasonable assumption then, that Russell did the same for himself, which means that he self-medicated with painkillers his entire adult life.
FACT: In the late 1800s to early 1900s, painkillers consisted of products derived from highly addictive NARCOTICS.
In my initial post, I included reasonable, common-sense QUESTIONS based on those FACTS.
Asking a Russellite whether he/she believes Charles Taze Russell used or abused drugs is sorta like asking a General Motors automobile salesman if he thinks that you should buy a Ford Mustang.
Given the above facts, if some people choose to believe that Charles Taze Russell never used narcotics to relieve his pain during all those years, then be my guest.
Given the above facts, if some people choose to believe that Charles Taze Russell was able to self-medicate with narcotics for 50 years and never become addicted to such, then be my guest.
Given the above facts, if some people choose to believe that Charles Taze Russell was able to self-medicate with narcotics for 50 years without the narcotics somewhere somehow influencing his theology, then be my guest.
The FACT that narcotics based products were pretty much the only available remedies for relieving pain in Russell's day, and the fact that narcotics use was widespread amongst the general populace, does not reduce by one iota the fact that it is "very probable" that the founder of the JWs was a narc addict, and his habit likely impacted his teachings and activities.
It is uncovering facts, and making reasonable assumptions based on those facts. If some folks arrive at a different decision, then that's their right to do so. Just don't label other's decision(s) as RUMOR because you don't agree with their decision.