cath,,,,,we haven't met,,,but that fact that we are both here on this site,,,speaks volumes..... i
hope the best for you....and for your family.....
i have been coming to this forum since around september 2001 and although i haven't had much to say i have gained a lot by just coming here and reading.
i have laughed and cried and got really angry along with posters here and have enjoyed most of my time here.
now i am moving to the country to be with my daughter and her kids and i won't have internet access there which is a good thing because it will get me out from behind this screen.
cath,,,,,we haven't met,,,but that fact that we are both here on this site,,,speaks volumes..... i
hope the best for you....and for your family.....
i have just been shunned!
i was standing in my kitchen, which has a view on a parking lot in front of my house.
well, i was doing my dishes, and i see this car parking (quit clumsily i might add).
oh (((((((((((( viv))))))))))))))))))) god how me it is
beyond cruel!! i hope knowing that others care will help
is such sick behavior....i personally cannot deal with it...their
conduct deeply grieves me....viv,,,,hang in there,,,
well, the doctor is tired of waiting for me to have a contraction (havent had one since last weekend).
im 2 weeks overdue, and i say its about time.
however, i had a c-section with my last one and there may be a chance that ill have to have it this time around.
"CONGRATULATIONS" glad all went well for you....."HUGS"
i was wondering what has been the most embarrassing question asked of you by a family member.
the reason why i'm asking is because i have just had an unforgettable experience with my grandmother.
my sister, grandmother and i were sitting at the kitchen table at my mom's birthday party.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS BEYOND
FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
i knocked on the locked door of the appeal hearing last night after they had dismissed bill and told the six elders that i had something to say to them and told them it was summed up it a letter i had written.i then asked them if i could read it to them and they could have their own copy when i was finished.they said that would be fine.. here it is.
governing body,.
25 columbia heights.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( sheila )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
you have said every thing........hugs and love to you both
well, in between my last post on corporate brainwashing an hour or so ago and now, i just managed to get myself a new role within the charity that i work with on a daily basis (
although not full time, i am upto 26hrs p/w.
my job title is enabler and trainer for individuals with severe handicaps and/or severe learning difficulties.
way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have a wonderful day!!!!!
it truly amazes me to see how so many jw's are brain dead.
i spent the last few days with some witnesses and they complained about this elder, that congregation,these rules that are enforced in one congregation but not another, how truly boring the meetings are, how holy spirit could not have appointed brother so-and-so.
i heard how an elder in a nearby congregation is really a thief and a liar.
that i've had in a long, long long time!
and i blame each and every one of you.. thanks for helping me heal.. craig (of the finally getting some friends class).
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( craig )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
you have been through so much....i just cannot immagine it....disfellowshipped,,,
a divorce,,,,and losing your job!!!! i consider knowing you a blessing....
it is nice to beable to visit and say you have friends.....i hope you contiue to
grow craig....and to heal......
you seem to have such a loving and kind heart,,,,it is so easy to forget the good
qualities that others can see,,,,so some times it is nice to have a reminder....
when life has beaten you down,,,,,remember,,,your friends will hang on to you and
not let you get buried...
ugg,,,(of the still to scared class to give real name)
i received this e-mail this morning and have been thinking about it all day.
maybe i shouldn't be posting this since it is an e-mail addressed to me, but i want your opinions.
what i did is i left out the name.
oh my,,,,how this letter must have made you feel....the guilt trip and saying you were under his seem like a very warm person,,,,you letter was just did good!!!!
my wife and i, along with her sister and friend went on a picnic today to the mountains of va. about an hour and half drive.
on the way someone asked what day of the month is it?
i looked at my watch and said the 10th.