way to go scootergirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it all looks great,,,and i bet tastes wonderful also....so,,is your
middle name "betty crocker"
the last of the cucs have been packed.....time to celebrate!
pickles anyone?
way to go scootergirl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it all looks great,,,and i bet tastes wonderful also....so,,is your
middle name "betty crocker"
they got a thread should christians wear sandals --- i want to know should they wear thong undies -- well is it unchristian??
which is more important and should a body worry about it day and night until one gets an ulcer ...queenie
i read the thread that ozziepost had written....i am so horrified...my god,,,30 years in the borg and
for the first time,,,i am having my eyes opened....talk about sick!!!!! i am from a rural,,,very small
congregation,,,"isolated" if you will....i feel deeply grieved....as for thongs....each to their own...
although it has probably been discussed.
i find the latest km on disfellowshipping to be a particularly annoying pack of half-truths.
first of all, its title "display christian loyalty when a relative is disfellowshipped" says it is about relatives who are disfellowshipped and then in the first paragraph it says it applies "equally to those who are disfellowshipped and those who disassociate themselves.".
wolfgirl,,,,many many hugs to you.....this is so awful
although it has probably been discussed.
i find the latest km on disfellowshipping to be a particularly annoying pack of half-truths.
first of all, its title "display christian loyalty when a relative is disfellowshipped" says it is about relatives who are disfellowshipped and then in the first paragraph it says it applies "equally to those who are disfellowshipped and those who disassociate themselves.".
wolfgirl.....many many hugs to you.....this is all so sad....
have you heard the song "stuck in a moment you cant get out of" by u2 ?
i was listening to this today and it got me thinking........... i have decided that i will no longer be contributing to this forum.... at least for the meantime.
this forum has helped me in every way that i need to be helped, and for that i thank everyone who played a part in this.. i guess i have achieved my goal now.
totally understand,,,,i hope the best for you.....stop back every once in awhile and let us know how
you are doing.....hugs.....
hi everyone, i've been reading on this board for some time now because i have some childhood friends that are in this organization, and would like to find out a way i could help them to some how see it for what it really is.
i'm not a jw nor have i ever been.
i truly feel for some of the hurts you all have been through.
any and all are welcome here....nice to meet you
....was the question i kept asking myself while flying home from seattle.
i swear i must have been suspicious looking to other people around me as i was quite skiddish and nervous while on the flight.
ball asked me how i felt about that.
i don't know if this has been posted before but i thought it was pretty funny .
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i have been reading this board since right before dateline.. i want to say thanks to simon for this great website!
i want to thank bill bowen, sheila bowen, barbara anderson, joe anderson, the pandelos, erica rodriguez, and all of the other silentlambs who have spoken out!.
i have some questions.. does anyone have any information about a circuit overseer named orval ellis (he used to be the co in arkansas, and then oklahoma, and just now colorado).
hi,,,,nice to see you here....
were you raised as a jw, like me, or were you converted (at least i have an excuse)?
we lived in a trailor court,,,and i worked nights and took care of my
child during the day,,,anyway,,,i was always tired,,,and the trailor
was dirty,,,so when they knocked on the door,,,i invited them in,,,
i had never heard of a jehovahs witness before....
they showed me the truth book and the pictures of paradise conditions...
but all i could think of was how embarrassed i was because the trailor
was dirty,,,
so i said,,,sure you can come back next week,,,(i will show you i am
not a pig!! oink oink,,,,you will beable to eat off my floors!)
they came back,,,my trailor was spotless,,,i was oh so proud!!!!
that was 30 years ago,,,the rest is history....