i was wondering how it was going with the new job...i am very happy for you... it seems there
are always headaches in the real world..(phone company ect.) hang in there,,,you seem to have some great spirit in you...WAY TO GO!!
gosh i miss this place.
first week of my new job has left me only time to quickly peruse the board and the exciting news of the silentlambs march.
my reason for posting presently is that as of tuesday, i will be without a phone and internet service.
i was wondering how it was going with the new job...i am very happy for you... it seems there
are always headaches in the real world..(phone company ect.) hang in there,,,you seem to have some great spirit in you...WAY TO GO!!
this is an update on my earlier post about the treatment my son is getting from the elders, posted here:.
well, benjamin informs me that today his mum drove him to the sunday meeting and kept him in the car until the meeting started, and then took him straight out after it had finished, so that the elders couldn't talk to him.. apparently an elder saw my wife in the street and approached her, but she told him to get stuffed (politely) but he informed her of what they intend to do.. it will be officially announced from the platform that benjamin no longer qualifies as an unbaptised publisher.. where do these bastards learn to be such bullies of children?
this is so awful...that poor kid,,,and as a parent how it hurts to see your child hurt...hugs to you all
my brother ambush22 is sitting next to me and has registered as a new user.
please take a moment to say hello and welcome.
he's had it a bit harder than i ever did in jwland by far.
hi and welcome,,,no words of wisdom from me,,,but friendship any time you need...
i guess i was a lucky one.
lucky that i wasn't beaten or molested.
lucky that i was loved.
welcome,,,,you will find friends here...
captions provided by outnfree - much thanks - ll :) bill bowen awarding the first (uh-oh!
what is the official name?
) silentlambs courage award to corrie pandelo in front of 25 columbia heights awards will be given out quarterly to honor those who come forward as survivors or who advocate the protection of children from molestation.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( THANK YOU SO MUCH ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
i just lost my last fleshly brother to the borg.
i am moving this weekend and i need his help.
and i asked him whats up?.
truly sad....hugs being sent your way!!!!!
i just got off the phone with my very good friend, who apparently is in turmoil over the surgery of her "father-like" figure.
he has a heart condition and needs to drink red wine (something in the wine that actually helps his heart) every now and then.
irony being...he was an alcoholic.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( hugs )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
hi and welcome....
i'm getting ready to go bring tink back home from the hospital.
she did just fine.
your love and support was very much appreciated.
good news that you are coming home today,,,,,take it slow and heal...thinking of you and
hoping you have a fast recovery,,,,HUGS!!!!!
yeah, yeah, i'm 50, i should know all about this, right?
so what worked for you?.
this is so exciting for you both...great news!! do some thing
funny!!! totally outrageous...take an add out in the paper:::have a
radio dj relay the message::: try to get on local tv,human interst story::: go to a restauarant and have a special menu made up ahead of
time,like #4 will you marry me???:::: rent a sign,,the mobile ones that
light up,,,or a big one on a high way:::cost is not that much,,if taken
down right away::: for a donation a high school choir will sing a "love"
song,,,or cheerleaders will give a personal cheer,,with signs..
ok,,,i am getting away from myself,,,go to a sporting event at a school
and for a donation,,they will usually be glad to add some personal
go to a movie,,,and take out a personal add in the advertising part,,,
businesses do it all the time here...SEE it on the "big screen"
yes,,,i could go on and on...ok,,,hugs to you both...CONGRATULATIONS!!!