This is a very difficult topic for me. I want to believe in Jehovah and Jesus and most of the time I do. But then, when I see the suffering of humanity and earthquakes, tsunami's killing thousands of people (basically when I watch the news), it makes me question. If I was an all powerful being that saw all of that happening and I could do something about it, I think I would and yet 2,000 years after Jesus, we haven't heard a peep.
When I was indecisive about leaving the organization, I begged Jehovah for a sign, some sort of answer. And there was nothing but silence, so, I made my own decision.
I see too many beautiful things to think that this world was not created by an intelligent being. Maybe, he grew tired of us and went on to another hobby.
So, most of the time I do believe (obviously I don't watch the news much ) in God and Jesus and I hope. It makes me happier to think that he is out there and he cares. Maybe one day.....