Gumby said:
"You never addresed the points I made....let's here it!!!!"
What points are you talking about? Please be more specific.
can a person get salavtion if he never reads the bible?.
can person just except christ but have nothing to do with the bible and get salvation?.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
Gumby said:
"You never addresed the points I made....let's here it!!!!"
What points are you talking about? Please be more specific.
the watchtower society dates noah's flood to 2370 b.c.e.
they do this by following bible chronology quite closely, counting backwards from 607 b.c.e., their date for babylon's destruction of jerusalem.
however, as we know, the society's date for that event is in error.
Question to Achristian are you in favor of some kind of universal salvation of man who has not heard the gospel? What do you do with Romans 1:18-32?
can a person get salavtion if he never reads the bible?.
can person just except christ but have nothing to do with the bible and get salvation?.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
One more thing if you read the inditement of mans sin in Romans 1:18-32 you'll see that all men are guilty and deserving of wrath and punnishment befor God. If God wantrd to be Fair he would send all of us to hell but God is rich in mercy and saves HIS people that he chosen. Not because you or I were some how good guys, the bible says no one is good. Romans 3:10-11. Yes Romans is my favorite book.
But read Romans 1:18-32 and tell me what you think.
can a person get salavtion if he never reads the bible?.
can person just except christ but have nothing to do with the bible and get salvation?.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
Gumby posts:
The bible say's 'people who have NO LAW, but do the THINGS in the law...are a law to themselves
response: Doing the law does not save. For in Romans 3:20 "by the deeds of the LAW no flesh will be justified" But the good news begins in verse 21 of Romans 3 "But now a Rightiousness of God apart from the LAW is revieled"
can a person get salavtion if he never reads the bible?.
can person just except christ but have nothing to do with the bible and get salvation?.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
Fransois wrote:
I frankly don't think the creator of the universe gives a rat's ass what book of nonsense you've read or haven't. Do you give expression to God's love through your actions? Through compassion? Non-judgementalism? Love for your neighbor? Yes?
can a person get salavtion if he never reads the bible?.
can person just except christ but have nothing to do with the bible and get salvation?.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
Very thoughtfull answers
the watchtower society dates noah's flood to 2370 b.c.e.
they do this by following bible chronology quite closely, counting backwards from 607 b.c.e., their date for babylon's destruction of jerusalem.
however, as we know, the society's date for that event is in error.
Up until fairly modern times, people in western countries have basically believed that the Bible was God's Word, and, by and large, believed what it said.
This was certainly true for views of ancient history, with the majority of both scientists and theologians believing in a literal Creation, the Fall, and the Flood. Now, however, the tables are turned, and Christians are hard pressed to find a denomination, seminary, or even a church, which holds to a consistently literal view of Genesis. Many Christian “Scholars” consider such a stand to be “unscholarly,” and rush to reinterpret Genesis to agree with secular scientific views.
Historically, this compromise started in the early 1800's, with the denial of the Global Flood. But this doctrine doesn't stand by itself. If the Flood did not cover the world, then it did not lay down the world's sedimentary rock, and therefore this rock must have been laid down slowly over long periods of time. Thus the Biblical doctrine of the young earth was abandoned. The fossils in these "old" sediments could only be interpreted as having lived over the same vast ages, and could not have been created as Genesis records. Thus the Biblical doctrine of creation died. The trickle-down effect continues today, with more and more doctrines being denied or re-stated.
But there is hardly a doctrine in Scripture more clearly stated than that of the Global Flood. In Chapters 6-10 of Genesis, the words and phrases used to describe the Flood can be interpreted in no other legitimate way.
Of course, some of the words, such as “all flesh died” (7:21 ) might be interpreted as meaning all living things within the local area, as modern “scholars” claim, but when a word can have more than one meaning, the context must define its true meaning. And in Genesis 6-10, the context is one of a global flood! Over thirty times, words and phrases of global scope appear. In each case, the primary meaning is one of totality, but when they are all together, the meaning is crystal clear.
Compare this clear teaching with the teachings of Christ and the New Testament writers, and the conclusion is inescapable! Trying to salvage the local flood idea makes nonsense out of New Testament doctrine. For example: The local flood theory implies that the Indians in North America, the natives in Africa, the Scandinavians, the Chinese, etc., were not affected by the flood. They escaped God's judgment on sin. If so, what could Christ possibly have meant when He likened the coming judgment of all men to the judgment of “all” men (Matthew 24:37-79) in the days of Noah? A partial judgment in Noah's day means a partial judgment to come. Scripture does not stand if the flood was not global.
The time has come for Christian “scholars” to swallow their intellectual pride and return to a belief in Scripture all of it. How much better to receive the approval of our Lord than that of secular colleagues.
When Christians come back to Scripture, they not only will find it doctrinally whole, they will find it scientifically satisfying—far more scientific than the secular view with which they now compromise.
luv, hugs, and snuggles
can a person get salavtion if he never reads the bible?.
can person just except christ but have nothing to do with the bible and get salvation?.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
DW asked a very important question:
“Do you feel a person can be inspired(Holy Spirit) today, and speak the word of God that directs one to put faith in Jesus?Response: As you continue to study scripture you will see more and more how very important and key the question you just posed is. How this question is answered will affect ones view of THE SUFFICIENCY OF SCRIPTURE and the CANNONICITY of the bible.
Or that all inspired expressions ended in the 1st century?”
First of all we do not have the same experiences as the apostles so their experiences have to be mediated to us through the pages of the bible. The bible itself claims full and only sufficiency for salvation. 2 Tim 3:15-17 Paul claims that scripture alone (back to sola scriptura the chief article of the reformation) is the ONLY and ALL sufficient means in which one can know how to be saved and grow in godliness. Go to 2 Tim 3:15 Paul is explaining to Timothy that if scripture alone was sufficient for his salvation, if that is so then the scriptures too should be sufficient for our salvation today. The doesn’t mean he has to read the bible but it does imply that someone has to share the scriptures with him, it also gives a good reason for an illiterate to learn to read.
Today, the only way we can know God’s will for our lives and how to be saved is contained in the 66 books of the bible. If there was God’s revelation outside of scriptures then one could legitimately question the sufficiency of the bible. Thus having a CASE AGAINST 2 Tim 3:15-17. If this were so and there was “special” revelation outside the bible then we would have a greater epistemological problem. How would we know what is spoken outside of scripture really God’s special revelation what legit test of verification would we have we can’t trust the bible because that may be flawed so what else is there to do. Big problems when you go outside of scripture.
You see all we need is the scriptures alone, not the bible plus the Pope, not the bible plus the book of Mormon, not the bible plus the Watchtower, not the bible plus brother Fred in some obscure Azuza Street pentacostal experience.
I would submit to you that the all special revelation (info on how to be right with God) from God ended with the closing of the Cannon (old and new testament)
I hope I’ve answered you question.
Your asking very good questions,
Angie, its cool. :-)
the watchtower society dates noah's flood to 2370 b.c.e.
they do this by following bible chronology quite closely, counting backwards from 607 b.c.e., their date for babylon's destruction of jerusalem.
however, as we know, the society's date for that event is in error.
Hillary in his apologetic genus posts:
Grow Up Clash -- HSResponse: Evolution apologetics at its best. Wow your ready to take on Josh McDowell.
can a person get salavtion if he never reads the bible?.
can person just except christ but have nothing to do with the bible and get salvation?.
if someone lived a trillion x longer than you, and had a billion x more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?.
DW posted,
"We don't have to get everything right to be saved, but men who seek to promote their ideas use this to enslave other christian, we don't need men or their organizations to be saved only Faith."
Response: EZ, dont freek out who said anything about organizations churches or anything we are just talking about the bible and salvation. We will get to church and other stuff later much later. I can tell your carring a lot of baggage from being under bondage of the WT remember I was once there too. It's been over 10 years since I left.