As usual my lazy wanna be intellectual friend you have absolutly no clue on what presuppositionalism is you have never read Greg Bahnsen of Van Til. And Laws of logic you say you have never even taken a formal logic class.
who here is polytheistic?
is jehovah just another god?
is he on a par with osiris / pan / cernunnos / whoever?.
As usual my lazy wanna be intellectual friend you have absolutly no clue on what presuppositionalism is you have never read Greg Bahnsen of Van Til. And Laws of logic you say you have never even taken a formal logic class.
who here is polytheistic?
is jehovah just another god?
is he on a par with osiris / pan / cernunnos / whoever?.
seedy3 just making up some ol god out of thin air like some drunken college frat boy trying to mix long island ice teas in the midst of an inebriated haze posts:
which is where panthiesm and I start to drift, becasue mainstream panthiests generally do not beleive in any sort of energy that is "usable" as in tapping into it with the mind and body, but I do.
First I didn't know panthiesm had a fix set of doctrins in which you seedy3 can break away from I always thought that sort of stuff was just rubbish you just made up on the fly, just make it up as you go along. Mainstream panthiest huh, like they are like baptists and presbyterians and lutherans. So how does one "tap" into this energy? Just get the heebee geebees and then step up to the force? Somake your subjective etherial expereance and objective explaination.
all smiles,
who here is polytheistic?
is jehovah just another god?
is he on a par with osiris / pan / cernunnos / whoever?.
Why should you care about polythiesm? Or any discorse on the objective truth or reallity of any of theism. To you your god is like Mr. Potato Head a silly little god you get out of a toy box which you fasion after your likes. Or to put it another way your god is like a McDonalds Big Mac made to order just the way you want (hold the onions, extra mayo)
once, i knew an elderly member of the anointed in bethel.
sometimes he carried an old king james bible with him that had.
certain passages highlighted with a purple marker.. he said those verses were "precious promises" - personal statements jesus made to him, in effect.. he came from a generation that read a different watchtower - one that had personal poetry about god and jesus christ.. - a generation that might not recoil from calling jesus "lord" in casual conversation, as early christians did.. .
metatron writes:
I conclude that the greatest practical difference between "born-agains" and Witnesses is not the Trinity or Hellfire or
any other doctrinal point. Rather, it is this feeling of intimacy with Christ that Witnesses NO LONGER possess.
Fundamentalists will assert that Witnesses "don't believe in Jesus" but that inaccuracy misses the critical point
that Witnesses worship thru a corporate structure in which Jesus is little more than a functionary, an obedient flunkie
needed to attract people to the legalistic "organization". The Apostle John could never stomach this cult - with his
counsel about a mystical union with Christ. They'd drag him off the stage as soon as ambiguity about the Word came
out of his mouth.
I'm forced to agree with cynics who think that religion is just an obstacle put in the way of spirituality - by hijackers who
want to turn some coin by forcing You to Go Thru Them
. I can sympathies with your frustration. But first it must by said that bible believing Christianity is made distinct by doctrine, namely the person and work of Jesus Christ. it is this that marks the center of Christian character. Modern spirituality J-Dubs included is cold and isolated in it's religious culture. Spirituality is made up of cold isolated individualism, Chrisitanity on the otherhand is a brotherly community a covenant comunity centered around the promises of the messiah Jesus Christ. JWs can only mimic this covenant community in a fraudulent psudeo imatation with a cold secular corprate culture that baptieses itself in modern spirituality. Individualist Spirituality is also something to get cynical over because it is isolated and cold with no fixed standards. The only answer is Jesus Christ and his bible believing church.
I hope this helps,
what is the only sin you can't be repentant of?.
this is a question my pioneer brother posed to me as a riddle one day.
he had gotten it while in the field service with the co. the answer surprised and upset me.. suicide.
The answer that I going to give is %100 unfamilure to all of you. If you are in Christ then the work of Christ covers every sin commited for the one God has given faith to (the believer).
It (the blood of Christ) covers all sin past present and future commited by the believer, even the sin of suicied. So if a Christian does himself in he is still covered by Christ both in his blood (substatution atonement) and his imputed rightiousness and goes to heaven. He goes to heven outside of any work or thing he does he goes to heaven on the basis of Christ work alone.
If God saves you you cannot sin yourself out of the kingdom or out of salvation that is an Arminian error.
Unfortunatly Christians sin often, the good news is that Christ has covered for the sins of christians too. That is the good news and it is that good news that gives the power to grow in Christ and the power to defete temptation of sin and to sin less and less.
If you want to save yourself like a JW or what ever then go ahead it just isn't going to do you any good and it doesn't make you morally better but just morally worse.
here is something that has often come up with me and perhaps you've experienced this situation as well.
friends or acquaintances will tell me they "prayed" about this or that and that "they got an answer".
they want me to accept the answer they got from "god".. the problem with this is, many times, what they are praying about directly affects me, at work or elsewhere, and i may not believe that their prayer was answered.
sentinel writes: The "answers" we think we are getting to our most mundane of problems are probably skewed with our "human reasonings" as to meaning
At least in some part you understand the Noetic effects of sin and how the fall has corrupted the mind.
you also said: The JW experience taught me a good lesson and I'm not getting back on that road again
They only way you ever could get "On the Road" is by God's grace alone changing the human heart and will.
finally you said: I figure that the creator will do with me what he wants and that I really don't have much of a choice. Better to go with the plan by living a good life and being thankful. The things we need to ask for are knowledge and wisdom to make good choices.
That seems inconsistant. What is the use of being thankfull if your outside the circle of grace? I mean if your going to be condemed then what do you have thanks for? How can one live a good life outside the regenrating and redemptive grace, are you sugesting your own (corrupted) works as merit to earn salvation from God? Why not give in to the easy way of salvation and Just repent of your sin and trust Jesus.
sola fide,
i remember at one point in my life believing that the new testament taught love as the greatest command.
for the last week i have been rereading the new testament.
mathew, and revelation so far.
One more thing Apaduan. the reason why you are such a new age papist mystic is because you are looking for an alternative to the revealed message of salvation found only in the bible. You hate Jesus and his free offer of redemtion this is why you seek an alternative of mysticism and works salvation found in the sinners heart.
i remember at one point in my life believing that the new testament taught love as the greatest command.
for the last week i have been rereading the new testament.
mathew, and revelation so far.
APaduan writes this NEW AGE rubbish:
If the church is to recognise the bible as no more than a spiritual thought No, not recognise it as being such, but accept it as being for such (like food for thought ) Who are my mothers? Ma ry kept all these things, pondering them in her heart.
then it sure does a good job at making people believe it really happened Well, in a way it did, not always literally as written, but as people convey the stories - how you receive them 2000 years on is another thing. Compared to how people twist language these days, I think they did an amazing job - they aren't what we'd call short stories.
The bible is the very word of God special revelation from God to man. Apaduan you are a new age mystic all the way. Your god is not the God that is revieled in the bible, you god Apaduan is like Mr. Potato Head, some god that you fasion out of your heart from a toy box.
But you are just a microcasum of the Roman Catholic church's spiral down the toilet in to new age liberalism. Read the bible instead and repent of your sin of thinking in such matter.
here is something that has often come up with me and perhaps you've experienced this situation as well.
friends or acquaintances will tell me they "prayed" about this or that and that "they got an answer".
they want me to accept the answer they got from "god".. the problem with this is, many times, what they are praying about directly affects me, at work or elsewhere, and i may not believe that their prayer was answered.
BTW: I am a bible believing Puritan Presbyterian a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
here is something that has often come up with me and perhaps you've experienced this situation as well.
friends or acquaintances will tell me they "prayed" about this or that and that "they got an answer".
they want me to accept the answer they got from "god".. the problem with this is, many times, what they are praying about directly affects me, at work or elsewhere, and i may not believe that their prayer was answered.
Sentenal Writes:
Here is something that has often come up with me and perhaps you've experienced this situation as well. Friends or acquaintances will tell me they "prayed" about this or that and that "they got an answer". They want me to accept the answer THEY got from "god".
Chances are your friends are full of rubbish. The case is NOT that they prayed and got NEW reveletory answers from God, more likely that give an answer that they FEEL SUBJECTIVELY what they think is the answer from God with out matching thier conclusion on the matter from the bible. To most people God is like Mr. Potato head, a god they fasion out of thier own hearts from a toy box. Prayer and anwer to prayer is always comformed to the bible and consistant with the bible. Prayer is always conforming God's people to his will. If you are of God and you pray sometimes you may not like the result but it is always to the benefit to the believer in the end, God is not a Ginni. Prayer is not for you to get what you want but a means of conforming you and your character to godlyness and integraty a means of sanctification for the believer.
I hope this helps