I conclude that the greatest practical difference between "born-agains" and Witnesses is not the Trinity or Hellfire or
any other doctrinal point. Rather, it is this feeling of intimacy with Christ that Witnesses NO LONGER possess.
Fundamentalists will assert that Witnesses "don't believe in Jesus" but that inaccuracy misses the critical point
that Witnesses worship thru a corporate structure in which Jesus is little more than a functionary, an obedient flunkie
needed to attract people to the legalistic "organization". The Apostle John could never stomach this cult - with his
counsel about a mystical union with Christ. They'd drag him off the stage as soon as ambiguity about the Word came
out of his mouth.
I'm forced to agree with cynics who think that religion is just an obstacle put in the way of spirituality - by hijackers who
want to turn some coin by forcing You to Go Thru Them
. I can sympathies with your frustration. But first it must by said that bible believing Christianity is made distinct by doctrine, namely the person and work of Jesus Christ. it is this that marks the center of Christian character. Modern spirituality J-Dubs included is cold and isolated in it's religious culture. Spirituality is made up of cold isolated individualism, Chrisitanity on the otherhand is a brotherly community a covenant comunity centered around the promises of the messiah Jesus Christ. JWs can only mimic this covenant community in a fraudulent psudeo imatation with a cold secular corprate culture that baptieses itself in modern spirituality. Individualist Spirituality is also something to get cynical over because it is isolated and cold with no fixed standards. The only answer is Jesus Christ and his bible believing church.