I know of a jw girl who married a moslem!
JoinedPosts by claudia
Letters from Society Re: JW Blood Review.org?
by Pathofthorns injust wondering if anyone has submitted the jw-bloodreview.org research paper to the society for a response has actually recieved one and if so, what it was.. does anyone know if the society has attempted to refute the information contained?.
Can you send a link to the research paper? I am interested in readng it,
Where's the justice?
by chrisauld inhi everyone, one thing that really made me question how 'just' jehovah really is, is how he could kill all the innocent children at the time of armageddon, and yet resurrect a 70 year old man who died a firm atheist????.
also, he would have a distinct advantage, u know, being brought back to life, it would convince me, anyway.. any comments?.
Yes I know what you mean. We hear how fair god is but it makes you wonder
Does the Watchtower break up famelies?
by OlderTom inmy word it does.. when i started studying with the witlesses all of my family and inlaws deserted me for following a stupit cult.
my wife divorced me and my children won't talk to me.. that's ok because according to jdubs that proves it's the truth.. as i progressed in "the truth(tm)" all my friends started to abandon me because i was always going to those booring meetings.. when i found someone i liked in "the truth" and started associating with her, some of my witness friends tried to break up the friendship.. ie break up another family before it even starts.. after i married her without getting the elder permission, some of my jdub friends tried to df me, to show how much they loved me.. when they failed to df me some of my witless friends decided to shun me anyway even though the elders pronounced us no guilty.. i should have sued the bastards for slander.
today i'd just give him (the instigator) a good hiding.
Hester, I am so sorry you lost a child. That is the ultimate heartbreak.
Art School JWs?
by Stephanus insome years back i went to art school for a year, and life drawing was one of the subjects.
although the prospect of perving on naked women was at first appealing, it soon became evident that sex-drive is a left-brain function while drawing is strictly right-brain.
iow, drawing naked people was just plain hard work, and it was the only thing that was hard!
As I have recently mentioned, I am one of those nude models at an art school. I dont equate a nude body with porn. Its all normal non sexual positions, sitting, standing,leaning etc. However I was never baptised. But my sister did not allow her son to draw a nude model in art school. I have a philosophy which i stand by, And that is that if I dont mind my children looking at certain types of nudity in art, I have no problem posing for certain types of art. I was taken all over in rome as a child and was exposed to all the nude sculptings and paintings so how can it be bad? The jw side of my family had a fit when they found out the art school job was nude.
i am new
by knight ini have read the various posts here an i have my own story to tell i amstill a witness not as active as i used to be but stillfaithful i think the main problem that jws have is that they put c.o's m.s's elders and the like on pedestals and when you do that you set yourself up for a letdown and when that person does something you dont think is right you are letdown but one should not let this block his/her relationship with jehovah.
You know I bet shes reading all these posts though, thats what counts.......planting seeds
Why I had no choice..and why it's not any easier.
by LDH infirst of all, i'd like to say a warm hello to everyone here.
i'm going to try to be coherent in this post, but if i should stray, please forgive me.
i hope you'll enjoy what i'm about to say; i look forward to reading your responses.
Kristen, how is everything going with you? I remember your post a few months ago.
Why I had no choice..and why it's not any easier.
by LDH infirst of all, i'd like to say a warm hello to everyone here.
i'm going to try to be coherent in this post, but if i should stray, please forgive me.
i hope you'll enjoy what i'm about to say; i look forward to reading your responses.
Lisa, Im so very happy the cause of your migraine is not harmful. What are they doing for you to raise it? Oh and I remember Bobcarl, and that thread. yep he was a real doozie.
Does anyone know?
by claudia inhi does anyone know who the jws claim were gods people before them?
Hi does anyone know who the jws claim were gods people before them?
Congrats wendy! I havent a clue what its about but im happy youre happy.