JoinedPosts by tim3l0rd
2015 Regional Conventions Baptisms
by Gayle insince this is the first weekend of rcs, anyone going that can give estimates of how many are getting baptized, how many appeared about that were jw youth, and what attendance figure is at these rcs?.
i know u.s. baptisms are declining.
can any keep a running report?
2014 numbers seemed to jump. I think the biggest reason was the hype over the 100 years of kingdom rule. I sincerely hope that the numbers go negative this year. -
Armageddon in 1975 'probability' or 'possibility'? Irrefutable Proof the Watchtower Said 1975 Was "Game Over!"
by PhilsWager2 init's hard to know where to put this link to a polish book some of you older members probably read, while our newer members are seeking answers to questions the watchtower vehemently deny's!
do i put this under "jw scandals" or "jw beliefs"?
for decades without the internet many of us did not have access to all the publications written by early watchtower writers because access was hard, only men like raymond franz jr(god rest his brave soul) had the golden key for entering the library of all publications jws made.. can some of the older members remember people who sold their homes and others who bought things in the summer or fall of 1974 knowing they won't be paying for their purchases because jehovah will destroy all the creditors records when he kills them!
The supposed nearness of the GT while I was growing up definitely impacted my choices as a teen/adult, but that is not the reason that I am leaving. The willful misquoting of scriptures, the revisionist history, the pressure to hit hour goals/works over my own faith, asking for money and stating that they've never solicited for money, and many, many other reasons has caused me to realize that the GB are not representatives of Jehovah or Jesus. The realization of that however has caused me to regret the years that I dedicated to this org and the things I put off because "the end is imminent/just around the corner/soon".
JWs and their views on Sex
by campaign of hate inin the past i have read on this forum that the wt have a say in the "bedroom" of couples.
i thought that was a bit overkill at first, but recently i have come to conclusion that this is true.. the control administered by the wt cooperation on ones sex life is not on only intrusive, its damaging.
they control every aspect of ones thought and action, thus leading most down a path that said corporation wants them to tread.. this path is to get married young, and then eternal loyalty the the organisation.. so how can an organisation force you to get married young?.
I find it interesting that they have not printed anything directly on sexual practices between married couples since 1983. We've had almost everything else regurgitated except that. However, I know that within the last couple of years it was reiterated at an elders' school that oral sex is forbidden even between married couples. So while they don't dare to print anything official (since it would probably lead to many really questioning the org or deciding not to join), they still push the issue behind the scenes and allow the elders to share the information that they received at their school.
After my wife heard this through an elder's wife, we had to stop all oral. Only after several long discussions and me pointing out other scriptures that I felt allowed various intimate relations did she start to feel that this is really up to our conscience and not whatever the congregation dictates. This org is so detrimental to intimate relations. I understand that couples need to be open, honest, and respectful about what each other likes/dislikes, but we don't need a third party pushing their ideals and inducing guilt on something so personal and intimate.
To My JW Brothers and Sisters
by Hold Me-Thrill Me into all brothers and sisters reading this site: "and i love you so" (remember the don mclean song?
)...is the feeling most of us had with regard to the watchtower and the brothers leading it.
but truly, who did we get baptized for?
Do you still go out in field service? I'm in a similar situation. I feel that the organization is now a part of Babylon the Great. The JW.ORG pins that everyone wears and that is emblazoned on kingdom halls is idolatry. I'd leave tomorrow if it wasn't for my and my spouse's large family. I want to fade, but even that will result in some form of shunning from our family. Going to the meetings and assemblies to keep up appearances doesn't bother me, but field service does. I'm in a sign language congregation and neither I nor my wife are deaf or hard of hearing, so the pressure to put in a certain amount of time is greater since being in a foreign language congregation is a "privilege". I've already been taken aside for low hours even though I was going through depression and had just bought a house that needed a lot of work. (This actually helped to wake me up as to what was important in this org: it's a show of faith and not your actual faith that's important.)
How do you reconcile possibly pulling someone else in to the org in its current state? Even being out in service is giving tacit agreement to other peoples RVs and studies.
We're new to this area and the only friends we have are in this congregation, so moving to an English congregation would be a big change. My wife has not yet come around to seeing the org as I now see it. I've been slowly exposing her to the issues with doctrinal changes and deceptions. If she comes around, then I plan to move back to an English congregations and cut way back on my participation in everything JW, but until then I'm struggling with keeping up appearances and how I really feel.
WT cash flow speculation
by campaign of hate inso it was reported that the wt made $60,000,000 in canada last year (?).
working on the assumption that this figure is from not only donations, but from property revenues and other ventures from the branch, we get a figure of $528 per publisher, per year.
the calculation: 60,000,000 / 113,617 (2014 av pubs) = $528 a year per publisher.
I would doubt that the average is 6 congregations per hall. Maybe in dense cities or metropolitan areas, especially if they are a double kingdom hall. However there are a ton of halls that only have 1, 2, or 3 congregations meeting in them. -
JWs are being told Watchtower is financially strapped because they forgave Kingdom Hall mortgages!
by PokerPlayerPhil inhere's why the governing body did that little line on jw broadcasting, i have a source still inside new york and being as sneaky as ever, the watchtower is claiming they need the cash because they forgave the kingdom hall mortgages!
not all the kingdom halls are hitting the targeted monthly donation-revenue range, they are still asking other kingdom halls to pony up cash for kingdom halls that can't afford the "recommended donation rate".
pure evil, that's the jehovah"s witness watchtower theocratic war in action!
I saw the same post as you. Someone posted a copy of it on Reddit. It read like it was full of sarcasm to me. I really hope it was someone being sarcastic or an exjw trolling. -
Having Faith in the Bible
by william draper ini know many on here have lost faith in the bible , is it possible that is because ones do not have the right perspective regarding it .
we have usually been taught by bad teachers , or ignorant .
i believe if we take an honest look at the bible , we will see that it gives us the best answers to crucial matters , it gives us some amount of bearings ( understanding ) , which without having such knowledge we would all be more like walking zombies in amanner of speaking , we would be lacking hope in something better , for surely something better is to come , how can we be sure , .
I appreciate his posts even though they don't seem to be logically laid out sometimes. Many exjws are not ready to relinquish all faith in the bible after leaving the org. Many of the above objections to the bible can be explained by comparing other scriptures or the cultural attitudes of the time. While I do not wish to debate anyone, I think that if someone wants to express their faith they should be allowed to just as those who are atheists are allowed to express their ideas.
The truth is that there is a lot that we don't know probably will never know about our universe.
Does the WT CD download on a Apple Computer?
by Quarterback insorry, this question may have been asked, already.
This is a program that will allow you to install the CD to an Apple computer: http://www.wtlibrary.net/ -
Re: Shepherding Textbook in Digital Format
by suavojr inafter years of leaked info, the gb has finally decided to publish their own shepherding textbook in epub format.. dear brothers:.
we are pleased to inform you that the shepherding textbook is now available in epub,.
mobi, and pdf format.
@Oubliette From what I understand, those written ASL tracts didn't go over well with the deaf community. That was before I switched to ASL. There is no formal written form of ASL. You can 'gloss' it, but that is a very crude representation of ASL. ASL is more than just syntax. Facial expressions, body language, and body shifting all make up the proper grammar.
Now everything that is translated to ASL is in video format. KMs are now all signed video. Even the talk outlines are now signed videos that can be downloaded. I imagine they will sign the entire flock manual as well.
@cappytan Sorry about your friends. I still have to wake up my wife. I'm a long way from a fade unfortunately.
Re: Shepherding Textbook in Digital Format
by suavojr inafter years of leaked info, the gb has finally decided to publish their own shepherding textbook in epub format.. dear brothers:.
we are pleased to inform you that the shepherding textbook is now available in epub,.
mobi, and pdf format.
Seriously. I've recently experienced the 'shepherding'.