I know many on here have lost faith in the Bible , is it possible that is because ones do not have the right perspective regarding it . We have usually been taught by bad teachers , or ignorant . I believe if we take an honest look at the Bible , we will see that it gives us the best answers to crucial matters , it gives us some amount of bearings ( understanding ) , which without having such knowledge we would all be more like walking zombies in amanner of speaking , we would be lacking hope in something better , for surely something better is to come , how can we be sure ,
Let's take a look at Law , Law will always prevail sooner or later , did that Rich Bastard just gun down or run over some poor old man , misfiurtunate woman or child , well Law will demand repayment of some form , and that life that was squashed will certainly be restored ; Law would demand this , and the scriptures say that such will happen .
Is there any other book that gives us a better understanding of where we came from , and what may be / is to be our future .
AM I RIGHT TO SAY THERE IS NO OTHER BOOK ! written before the scriptures in this regard that is more worth believing .
Was there any book written before the Bible to speak of thesacredness of marriage , of course we say . . . . what about King David and others that had MANY wives , OK , but really does it say anywhere in scripture that such was a blessed arrangement , or have we read into the scriptures this kind of understanding , is it possible some things were written for us to be more critical of .