He has a piddling little minimum-wage 10 or 15 hour part time job somewhere, and daddy pays for pioneering ($25,000 Jeep, free gas & health insurance, free rent to live at home, free family vacations to Europe, etc.)
How is it that the R&F buy into the idea that everyone should pioneer. In almost every example I've seen, the pioneering/full-time service skips a generation. The pioneers/full-time servants are reliant on other people to continue living. Not everyone can pioneer or enter the full-time service and the org keep on running.
I'm not sure if the higher ups know this and press it because they know that those who can't will feel guilty and support them monetarily to assuage the guilt or truly buy into the idea that "Jehovah will provide" if the majority of JWs finally quit their job and pioneer. I've heard it said by a CO and at a convention that having everyone pioneer and reduced contributions would be a good problem to have and that Jehovah would provide.