JoinedPosts by tim3l0rd
New Thought About Active J.W.'s
by The Searcher infrom my own observations & conversations with selected active j.w.
's, here are my conclusions:.
's are very rapidly falling into two distinct camps -.
I wish I was in a more liberal state as I think this would be more evident to me and I would feel more relaxed around the group of dissenters and/or hiders. Unfortunately in the "Bible belt", the backgrounds of those here seem to predestine them to take a hard line, especially if you're a non-native speaker in a foreign language congregation. Some part of me wants to reach the status of elder just so I can speak more freely with other elders about the recent changes. -
Swahili Congregation in the Midwest -- Why?
by SnakesInTheTower ini almost posted this in the humor section, because honestly, i almost thought it was a joke.
my family and i were driving through a suburb of st. louis, missouri this afternoon on the way back to illinois and home.
i took a back road through a bedroom community and ended up on a 2 lane road that led me right past the last kingdom hall i attended in 2007 before i left for good.
I think all the foreign language groups and congregations are to give the illusion of growth to those in the US and other developed countries. Those that join are usually pioneers or are bored in their congregation. ASL congregations have exploded over the last decade. Most ASL congregations have about 50 publishers, but only about 10 deaf who regularly attend and maybe 2-3 deaf publishers. We constantly here about how much it's growing, but it's mostly from hearing people joining.
On a side note, I think ASL is the reason why tablets finally were allowed and utilized throughout the org. We've been using them since the fist iPad to show videos and it's been the only thing most brought to the ASL meetings for quite a while.
A Total Waste of Time "In The Field"
by OnTheWayOut inso i am walking down the street in a spanish neighborhood and two men, obviously jw's, are standing between houses writing furiously on their tiny slips.
i am nearly a block away approaching and they just kept writing the whole time i walked up.
i finally arrive to pass them and they are still both writing.
Are you Hispanic? If you had answered in Spanish, they may have engaged you in a conversation. A congregation is told to focus only on the language of the congregation. This is to prevent harassing the same territory/people repeatedly and often. The English/Spanish/ASL/French congregations do not coordinate which territories they will be working. If they happen to see another congregation in that territory, then they will move to another, but otherwise the foreign language congregations will not normally engage English speakers. That is the English congregation's responsibility and territory.
Foreign language groups/congregations have a list of names/addresses that they target and don't usually go from door-to-door. Sometimes they will knock on a few doors to ask if anyone in that area speaks Spanish, French, or whatever language they are involved in, otherwise they focus on the addresses they already have on file.
Source: I'm still stuck in an ASL congregation and have had many friends in Spanish congregations.
California Supreme Court Case - S226656
by Gayle inhttp://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/maincasescreen.cfm?dist=0&doc_id=2109889&doc_no=s226656&search=party&start=1&query_partylastnameororg=watchtower bible and tract.
started 5/27/2015.
What were Candace's reason's for the lawsuit? Let's see what the news articles and interviews say:
Candace Cont - NBC News Article
Conti filed the lawsuit after trying, without success, to get Jehovah’s Witnesses in Southern California and in Fremont to change the secrecy policy, Simons said.
“There was no settlement demand from her because she felt the only way to expose this policy and make it change was to bring this case to trial and make it public,” he said.
“The money is the only way left for her to force Jehovah’s Witnesses to stop keep hiding known sex offenders within their congregation.”CANDACE CONTI, Plaintiff: If I were to sum up our goals in this case, it was to attack the policies and procedures that where in place that let a serial molester continue to molest children.
The only way to enforce change from the outside on an organization or business is through their bank accounts. That is standard for the American judicial system. You can't take a business to criminal court. When an organization's or a business's policies are responsible for someone's loss, the only solution is to sue. There have been many, many lawsuits brought forward against WT, but all of them up to this point have settled out of court with gag orders on the plaintiffs. It seems clear to me that Candace was not afraid of putting her face out there and wanted this to be a very public shaming of the Watchtower's policies with the hopes that the policies would change as most businesses do when they lose a lawsuit like this.
Governing Body
by Daym123 inhello,.
i am currently in a discussion with a jw about the governing body.. i have read alot of articles regarding it, however whenever i bring up what i have read, i am refuted with scripture, such as acts 15, where they say there was a governing body, who sent out elders and men etc.. does anyone have a website that i may not know of, that has answers to what they refute with?
or any help here or good thought provoking questions to respond with would be much appreciated.. thank you kindly.
Ask an elder where in their bible it shows in 1935 the door to heaven was shut, no wt b.s., the bible, NWT bible, they can't.
That teaching was abandoned years ago. I forget when, but "new light" opened the door for many more "anointed". The number of "anointed" has been rapidly increasing year over year.
Governing Body
by Daym123 inhello,.
i am currently in a discussion with a jw about the governing body.. i have read alot of articles regarding it, however whenever i bring up what i have read, i am refuted with scripture, such as acts 15, where they say there was a governing body, who sent out elders and men etc.. does anyone have a website that i may not know of, that has answers to what they refute with?
or any help here or good thought provoking questions to respond with would be much appreciated.. thank you kindly.
It's not a waste of time. I'd be trapped if not for some questions my brother posed to me. Keep trying.
Ask him why they don't celebrate birthdays or mothers day? (Hint: answer is pagan roots)
Then why do they allow wedding rings, wedding cake, etc that are also rooted in pagan worship?
Questions like this are what started to open my mind. Definitely look at jwfacts.com. There are some good ideas there. Just don't tell him where you got the info. He'll shut down if he suspects it came from an "Apostate" website. Try to use things from JW publications or news items like the Candace Conti or Jose Lopez child molestation cases.
California Supreme Court Case - S226656
by Gayle inhttp://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/maincasescreen.cfm?dist=0&doc_id=2109889&doc_no=s226656&search=party&start=1&query_partylastnameororg=watchtower bible and tract.
started 5/27/2015.
It does matter. Are you saying that the Defendant is guilty of the accusation because you know that he is guilty?
Or is that what you like?Fisherman,
You took 2 words out of my reply and ignored the rest. I made no statement as to his guilt towards Candace in that reply. My reply was about the defendants that were named, the congregation and the organization. It's obvious that you don't want to concede your point even though you are in the minority and the court disagrees with your position. Your replies show that your more interested in trolling or confrontation than reaching an agreement.
This is my last reply to you on this topic.
Good day. :)
Breeding Ground for Sex offenders
by enigma1863 inthe watchtower would never claim that they want child molesters in their congregations.
no 'respectable' organization would.
that doesnt mean they are doing anything to prevent it though.
Is there actually anything out there to prove or hint to the existence of such a list? (besides hearsay by individuals on ex-jw sites or idiotic el-dubs . . . no offense)
If so, can you direct us towards that info? Thanks.Yes, read up on the Jose Lopez case. It was admitted that the information exists in a database, but WT refused to provide it. https://www.revealnews.org/article/jehovahs-witnesses-use-1st-amendment-to-hide-child-sex-abuse-claims/
California Supreme Court Case - S226656
by Gayle inhttp://appellatecases.courtinfo.ca.gov/search/case/maincasescreen.cfm?dist=0&doc_id=2109889&doc_no=s226656&search=party&start=1&query_partylastnameororg=watchtower bible and tract.
started 5/27/2015.
Did he admit to abusing Plaintiff?
Doesn't matter. This is civil court, not criminal court. The plaintiff was able to show that the congregation knew of his past and still put him in situations that would allow him to take advantage of other children.
We have proof that he repeated his perversion as he was convicted later of molesting another child.
OMG, I’m gonna get Old and Die.
by John Aquila inwhen it finally clicked,.
and you realized there was no 1914, there was no generation that would see the end of a wicked system, there was no paradise around the corner, .
what went through you mind?.
What went through you mind?
Did you break down and cry?
Broke down, but didn't cry. Still feel broken as I have to waste time in this cult while I try to get my wife and maybe some other family members out.
Did you feel like killing someone?
No. That's not my personality. I wouldn't mind violently shaking someone though. :)
Did it take weeks to recover, or months, or years, or are you still recovering and see no end in sight?
Too recent (3 months or so). No end in sight until family wakes up.