I understand what the outcome may be, but I think that maybe how it is handled will help some of my family realize the hypocrisy of the org. For some of them, I think I need something that will make a huge impact. I could probably still play it off once the boe proceeding start, but if some of my close family hears of and listens to my experience then maybe it will pay off. Most don't wake up until they experience it first hand and that's only because we're not allowed to read the experiences of those that left. If I can navigate the tricky waters and remain a JW, then maybe I can share my experience (albeit discreetly) with those close to me and plant the same seeds that helped me to wake up.
That is my goal. I know that the WTBT$ will never change. I see that now, but I'd like to have an impact on my family and friends. If it ends up going badly, at least I have my integrity.