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JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
Wicked hard online game, only four short levels but really really hard!
by mkr32208 inthis game is super hard to beat it's only four levels but it's like monster hard!.
anyone gets to level four let me know!.
click here
the worst stepdad-husband...who is a
by *Heather* ind****, january 21, 2006. .
just so you know, living with you for 8 12 years was like living in hell.
remember when you used to ask me who paid the bills, and i said mom?
Wow! You do sound angry! It is good to vent though. He sounds like a pretty typical JW man to me ... not that I am bitter or anything either!
He sounds like he took lessons from my dad. My dad was a complete asshole, and an elder, too. Wait ... that was redundant.
Anyway ... welcome to the Bitter Daughters Club!
Do you still see Doom and Gloom all around you like JW's do?
by JH inwe all know that the jw's think that the end is so close.. in a way, i'm still programmed that way.
i like reading news from all around the world, and you can find bad news all around the world.
example: bird flu, iran nuclear problem, terrorism, and so on.... i'm just wondering if other x witnesses here still are doom and gloom people, thinking that we are on the edge of some world catastrophy?
Actually, since I left, I have realized that the world it not such a bad, scary place. I think there are more good people in the world than bad people. I think the media does a great job of sensationalizing everything that it feeds the fear that JWs thrive on. If I didn't know any better, I would think the JWs were paying the media to do it!
Yes, there are evil things that happen in the world, but all of these of things only happen because people make bad choices. It doesn't mean it is the end of the world.
With that being said, whenever there is a disaster on a large scale ... i.e. WTC disaster, tsunami disaster ... that old JW programming comes out of ... I don't know where ... and it takes me a minute (sometimes longer) to bring myself back to reality.
Please don't judge dear friends but I'll be pioneering next month...
by stillAwitness inwell, it's memorial season and mom has been giving me the "look" this past week ever since she has decided to pioneer for february and march.
anyways, the thing is i plan on buying a new car in the next couple months.
well, i know how my mom operates.
I know of a jw woman in her late 30's who still lives with her mother. She has a brother a little younger who still lives at home. She also has a sister who is only 6 months older than me who lived in their parents' house until her mid 30's then moved out but still is closely linked to the parents. None of these children have ever married and my mother just loved to use them as examples of perfect jw children who have stayed in the "truth". Personally I think they are a very good examples of wasted lives.
I agree. It is remarkable to me how different the expections of boys and girls are when it comes to what they are to do when they "grow up". The boys are to either get married young and move out, or go to Brooklyn, or at the very least, move out and support themselves. Girls are to get married young and move out. If that doesn't work, they are to live at home with their parents hoping a nice JW man comes along to marry someday ... and we know how many or those there are.
Please don't judge dear friends but I'll be pioneering next month...
by stillAwitness inwell, it's memorial season and mom has been giving me the "look" this past week ever since she has decided to pioneer for february and march.
anyways, the thing is i plan on buying a new car in the next couple months.
well, i know how my mom operates.
Just because some of you chose to leave the witnesses before you were financially ready doesn't mean it is the right choice for everyone. Most of you probably know that when you are raised in the organization, it becomes such a dependent way of life, it is hard to break away from it. And when you do, it may take years to mentally break away from it completely. It takes a lot of head work on yourself, and a bit of consideration to what it means to take care of yourself.
I know many here left under traumatic circumstances, like being disfellowshipped and being cut off from everyone and everything in an instant. But leaving on your own is a whole different ball game. Why not at least try to do it as less dramatic, traumatic, and painful as possible. It is not completely avoidable, but there are degrees, I think.
Everyone has their threshhold of when enough is enough and you just can't do it anymore, and I think it is different for everyone. 22 may sound old to still be dependent on your parents, but I found it to be pretty common among witnesses when I was in ... for girls in particular. I know of JW women in their late 20s who still live with their parents today.
I know you don't have a set plan in mind yet, stilla, but if you are serious about leaving some day, you might start thinking about exactly how you can do it.
Please don't judge dear friends but I'll be pioneering next month...
by stillAwitness inwell, it's memorial season and mom has been giving me the "look" this past week ever since she has decided to pioneer for february and march.
anyways, the thing is i plan on buying a new car in the next couple months.
well, i know how my mom operates.
I don't really think it will make much difference when I do decide to leave. I know my mom will be really hurt. That is what I fear the most. But not the elders or anyone else..just me hurting her.
I understand perfectly. I plodded along as best I could until I graduated college at age 22. I got my first "real" (money making) job and moved out six months later. Six months after that, my meeting attendance had stopped completely to the point where I was called on it by my family. I told them I just couldn't make myself be a witness anymore. Mom said in kind voice, "But, you'll be destroyed." I told her that was okay with me. I didn't want to live forever. They sent elders to my door, to which I did not answer.
My family stopped talking to me for a good six months. I expected it to be forever, even though it was heartbreaking. They slowly came around. First, I would meet them to eat once in a while. Then, I would come over for dinner once in a while. Now, it is really weird how much they are willing to associate with me. I talk to my sisters several times a week, and my mom once a week. I am very open about not being a witness. It has been five years now.
When you leave, you cannot avoid hurting your mom, but she has to take responsiblity for her own feelings and you, yours. When you do finally leave, I guarantee you it will be the hardest thing you ever do, but you will live through it, and it is very possible that your relationship with your mom will bare the storm, too. I promise you, it will be worth it in the end. I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but living a lie is the worst feeling in the world.
Please don't judge dear friends but I'll be pioneering next month...
by stillAwitness inwell, it's memorial season and mom has been giving me the "look" this past week ever since she has decided to pioneer for february and march.
anyways, the thing is i plan on buying a new car in the next couple months.
well, i know how my mom operates.
Not to be critical - but I would not do it. I would find it a violation of what I know now to be wrong.
I would hate the possiblility that I might actually help someone to convert. Or that I might encourage the witnesses in thier work.
I think it depends on how she handles it. I use to tell people it made me nervous for other people for other people to hear my presentation so I could go tot he door by myself. Then, I would pretend to ring the doorbell. Oh well! No one's homes! I was a regular pionner for year when I was a teenager. I can guarantee I didn't convert anybody!
She could also get a lot of "time" by writing letters that never get mailed.
Please don't judge dear friends but I'll be pioneering next month...
by stillAwitness inwell, it's memorial season and mom has been giving me the "look" this past week ever since she has decided to pioneer for february and march.
anyways, the thing is i plan on buying a new car in the next couple months.
well, i know how my mom operates.
Man! I am so sorry! You have my condolences!There will be no judging here! I understand what it is like to be young and still not be financially free from your parents. It's like you're damned if you do, and you're really damned if you don't! I didn't ever go quite as far as sign up to pioneer (well ... I did when I was a teenager), but I made myself do other things that I didn't want to do. I knew where my bread was buttered for the time being.
Do you have a plan to get on your own financially where you don't have to feel blackmailed?
JW Apologist monopolizing anti-JW site
by Madame Quixote ini've been occasionally visiting an anti-jw section of and noticed repeated posts by a jw apologist and little else available for people seeking accurate info about the drawbacks of the jw cult.
if you don't mind, please visit . .
I think he had a typo ... try this ...
WT Secret Document admits that only Elders and MS's are Ordained
by Elsewhere inthe watchtower society likes to tell its members that all jws are ordained ministers, but in reality only elders and ministerial servants can obtain a certificate of ordained minister from the watchtower society.
even then one must specifically state the reason the certificate is needed.
bottom line, the watchtower society makes it very difficult for any jw to receive such a certificate.. branch organization manual.
This was in chapter 24 on writing articles:
Also, have in
mind the possible
effect of the article on the peopleliving in your territory.
Sometimes it is best not to say
certain things, even though they are true.
What kinds of things might they be talking about? The fact that they believe everyone will be destroyed except JWs? How things REALLY are in the organization once you are indoctrinated and baptized? Their level of purposeful manipulation is incredible!