You can download the latest CD-Rom off the internet somewhere. I am not sure where, but hopefully, someone else will know and post it for you. maybe?
JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
In need of Literature
by loosie ini'm pretty sure my fade in this town is sucessful.
i would like to have the january '07 and feburary '07 watchtowers and the latest library cd.
i don't want to go back to the kh to get them.. i have two friends who are still in ( they think i am in too).
Beyond JW, another former Witness site.
by free2beme ini mentioned one time, on a past thread, that the first former witness site i found was this site called beyond jw and it was run by a man named tim campbell.
it was not the level of quality of this site, but it had some good information and links and a message board.
while i did not visit the board, like i visit this one, for a long time i thought it was the only former witness site and got familiar with it.
I was sad to see him close his site down, too, but at the same time I am happy for him. I hope he is moving on to better things. I know he spent a lot of time on his site and forums, when they were up, and Timothy never did anything half-assed. His site was the first one I ever dared look at, and his forums were the first I posted at before he closed his down (actually I posted at the first version). He is a very interesting man, and have often thought about contacting him to meet with him again.
JWD outage -- what if it were longer or worse, permanent?
by Fatfreek injwd to me, and for some like me, is my morning coffee.
if its not up, like earlier today, it gets me to thinking, what if this were a permanent thing?
what if jwd were actually shut down like our friend quotes site in 2006?
I would thank Jehovah that a bunch of people who claim that they were Jehovah's Witnesses have lost a place to tell what they do not know and never understood about the religion.
Dear Steve (grissom6471),
We have seen many people come to these forums who make similar comments as yourself. All are welcome here, regardless of belief, so welcome! Most of us here have been Witnesses for years. In fact many of us have been elders, pioneers, and we even have a few former Bethelites. You will find that most here are still pretty well versed in the official doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower society, no matter how fluid they may be. Stick around and you may learn a few new things, too! Websites like this one vary as far as quality goes, and this one seems to have a good mix of folks.
Post your favorite saying
by Scully ini was just pondering how the wts has, for over a century, been able to convince people to do what is contrary to their best interests with fear tactics that armageddon is coming soon, and i came up with what is going to be my pet phrase for a while:.
"only religion has the power to compel people to embrace sheer stupidity in the name of faith.
" ~ scully, december 28, 2006. i googled it, and didn't see that anyone else has claimed it, so until someone else finds an attribution for it, i'm claiming it as my own.
My favorite saying ...
There's a skinny woman inside me dying to get out. But I usually shut the bitch up with some chocolate!
Whats wrong with Hooters?
by pobthespazz injust been looking at an old post about "what jw's are not allowed to do " and one reply was not to eat at hooters, whats that about?.
The great Sir Benny Hill was knighted last year and is now working with Boneo, and Sir Bob Geldof , to help the starving in Africa.
An amazing feat, considering he died in 1992.Maybe he is thinking of Benny Hinn?
Whats wrong with Hooters?
by pobthespazz injust been looking at an old post about "what jw's are not allowed to do " and one reply was not to eat at hooters, whats that about?.
I was in San Antonio one time down on the River Walk, and there is this restaurant called "Dick's" (or at least there use to be). There were a bunch of college kids at the restaurant eating out on the patio, and as the boats passed, the girls would scream "Eat at Dick's!" and the boys would scream "Eat mine!"
I don't why I thought to post that memory but there it is!
Society promises to allow "free choice" re: Blood & ends penalties! DOCUM.
by Lady Liberty ini just stumbled across this, thought you may want it for your research..
lady liberty.
The "free choice" rule only applies if you live in a country where the government demands that the society butt out of your medical affairs without imposing penalties on ones who choose different from the borg rules. Anywhere else, you are free game for DF'ing, or as they like to term it ... "disassociate yourself by your actions".
I ran them off !
by oldflame inthe witnesses came to my complex today, this time it was two very good looking women.
i walked up to them and calmly said that this is the second warning that they were trespassing on my property and that no jehovah's witnesses are aloud on this property knocking on doors.
i have a tenant who is a jw and this is fine with me and they are aloud to come and visit her but i do not allow them to bother my tenants as they all prefer they stay away anyways.
Not likely! But you can keep trying!
Whats wrong with Hooters?
by pobthespazz injust been looking at an old post about "what jw's are not allowed to do " and one reply was not to eat at hooters, whats that about?.
It's not pubescent to like boobs. It's pubescent to call them hooters and name a restaurant hooters. That's embarrassing to a lot of us Americans. Nothing wrong with pretty girls, just kind of tacky calling their breasts hooters. It's the word I have a problem with, not the breasts. I have a pair of them myself.
Yeah ... a restaurant called "BREASTS" would go over a lot better, I think! Not! I don't like it when men refer to them as "hooters" either, really. It's about a step up from calling them "tiddies".
Whats wrong with Hooters?
by pobthespazz injust been looking at an old post about "what jw's are not allowed to do " and one reply was not to eat at hooters, whats that about?.
My JW brother in law told my sister that he wanted to go there because he heard the chicken wings were good.