pbrow says:
I could give two shits about the adults in this hall. In this day and age where virtually all kids have access to google and are not afraid to use it, (unlike us adults at first) at least one kid will google that name. The adults are a lost cause.
To claim that this was done for the kiddies is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. First of all, you're out of touch of how controlled JWs still are. Many are still too scared to even have a Facebook account ... not just adults ... kids, too. My 15 year old niece still does not have any type of social media account beyond her Instagram account, which is, of course, completely locked down. And I promise you ... she would never, ever WANT to google the name of some screaming man in the Kingdom Hall shouting, "I'm on Facebook and YouTube! Find me! I'll set you free!" As several have already said, she would be scared to death!
Do you know what fear does to the brain? It shuts down the reasoning part of your brain, and let's face it, teenagers don't have much of that to begin with. I cannot imagine any child, teenager, or adult observing what I just saw on that video and think, "Hmmm ... he seems like a stable, reasonable person. I'm gonna check him out on YouTube!"
It's not just that the entire stunt was rude and disrespectful, it was also counterproductive to what the makers even intended, (which I assume is for JWs to see the organization for what it really is).
I do not understand how three adults could get together and think this was a good idea.