I think it's funny they are called "one of the oddest communities that ever existed in this country."
There have been some pretty "odd communities" here in the States, so that is really saying something!
this is from the february 4, 1917 edition of the sun, a newspaper in new york, ny.
it is from a full feature article about charles taze russell and the russellites.
the article is called "remarkable activities from unusual religious sect".
I think it's funny they are called "one of the oddest communities that ever existed in this country."
There have been some pretty "odd communities" here in the States, so that is really saying something!
this is from the february 4, 1917 edition of the sun, a newspaper in new york, ny.
it is from a full feature article about charles taze russell and the russellites.
the article is called "remarkable activities from unusual religious sect".
Another sampling .. too much to share, so you will have to read the pdf file! :)
this is from the february 4, 1917 edition of the sun, a newspaper in new york, ny.
it is from a full feature article about charles taze russell and the russellites.
the article is called "remarkable activities from unusual religious sect".
From the above article:
this is from the february 4, 1917 edition of the sun, a newspaper in new york, ny.
it is from a full feature article about charles taze russell and the russellites.
the article is called "remarkable activities from unusual religious sect".
This is from the February 4, 1917 edition of The Sun, a newspaper in New York, NY. It is from a full feature article about Charles Taze Russell and the Russellites. The article is called "Remarkable Activities from Unusual Religious Sect". The pdf can be found here: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030431/1917-02-04/ed-1/seq-52.pdf
my grandfather insisted "birds of a feather flock together" and thought it was some kind of genius rule-of-thumb for understanding life.then i began noticing at school, at parties, in neighborhoods, people who looked the same hung out together and excluded others.then, i became a jw.
they only hang out with jw's.
the world was further divided into sheep and goats.
This problem is compounded by the fact that JWs promote such black and white thinking. This is especially well ingrained if you were raised in the org. Even with the best of intentions after leaving, it is hard to get rid of. It may have some to do with evolutionary make-up, but I believe most of it is a learned behavior, as least when it comes to categorizing and judging people.
On another point with this issue ... when you are a JW witness, you are forced to fly with the flock and no one else. If you live in an isolated area or go to a small congregation, all of those other factors you mentioned that are normally cohesive or divisive in the world do not matter. If you are a preteen in a congregation with only one other preteen, you better like them because they are all you've got as a friend. You could have absolutely nothing in common with this person, but you are forced to be their friend because you are forbidden to associate with any of the other "flocks" of the world.
its the begining of the end for jws in exjw websites i have found all these branch headquaters have closed down.
the death of a cult leader.
the gaudy and ostentatiousness of the proceedings following the death of charles taze russell is really interesting to look at.
i can't decide if it is further proof of how much of a cult they were, even back then, or how much they are just like other religions, like the catholics.
Okay ... the second picture can be found here: http://pastorrussell.blogspot.com/2010/03/pastor-russell-at-carnegie-hall.html
I verified that this was indeed Carnegie Hall in Pittsburgh by comparing it to other historic pictures of the inside of the building.
The fourth picture can be found here: http://pastorrussell.blogspot.com/2008_09_01_archive.html I have searched high and low on the internet for confirmation that this is indeed a picture Russell's grave, but I couldn't find. I do believe that it is, though.
Incidentally, it appears that the blog where I found both of these pictures is written by a Charles Taze Russell apologist, but it does have some good historical information there.
the death of a cult leader.
the gaudy and ostentatiousness of the proceedings following the death of charles taze russell is really interesting to look at.
i can't decide if it is further proof of how much of a cult they were, even back then, or how much they are just like other religions, like the catholics.
This is where I found a lot of my information. There is so much information scattered in historical documents on the internet, but I suspect we have only scratched the surface. I will have to look and find exactly where I found the second and fourth picture. I will try to do that this evening.
the death of a cult leader.
the gaudy and ostentatiousness of the proceedings following the death of charles taze russell is really interesting to look at.
i can't decide if it is further proof of how much of a cult they were, even back then, or how much they are just like other religions, like the catholics.
the death of a cult leader.
the gaudy and ostentatiousness of the proceedings following the death of charles taze russell is really interesting to look at.
i can't decide if it is further proof of how much of a cult they were, even back then, or how much they are just like other religions, like the catholics.