In congregations of Jehovah’s people today, it is very unlikely that we would be treated unjustly
Haha! I think they mistakenly put the "un" in front of likely!
In congregations of Jehovah’s people today, it is very unlikely that we would be treated unjustly
Haha! I think they mistakenly put the "un" in front of likely!
Quote please!! Or link? Or anything? Sheesh!
george cook, omg, george f'ing cook, whattttt!.
caption: elder george cook (right), one of the nine elders of the small 90-person congregation, said prince regularly ‘witnessed’ alone in the community and in groups.
he was very detail oriented and very eccentric.
anybody else here love the game settlers of catan?
i love it!
there is an online version that i like to play, too.. "does anybody have any wood?
Yes, Spectre, I'll will you give me wood for my sheep? Haha!
nonjwspouse ... my favorite version i Cities and Knights, but I have heard the Seafarer version is quite also, but never played it.
The place to play a version of this game is is anyone wants to play. They can't call it Settlers of Catan, but that's what it is. You can play the basic version or Cities and Knights. If anyone is interested, PM me your username over there after you register and we'll play!
anybody else here love the game settlers of catan?
i love it!
there is an online version that i like to play, too.. "does anybody have any wood?
Anybody else here love the game Settlers of Catan? I love it! There is an online version that I like to play, too.
"Does anybody have any wood?"
so today was the one day assembly or whatever it's called now.
fun times.😳.
use resources wisely:.
My family went to their one day assembly, too. I wonder if you were at the same one.
A few questions for you ...
1. Was there any mention of shunning family members?
2. They really said to watch no superhuman shows???? My God! The JWs I know in this area go to Comicon every time it comes to town, including my sister's family. Her elder husband's favorite shirt is his Superman shirt.
3. Anything about education?
Thanks in advance!
I would be okay if he stole the spotlight from Prince, like he did Taylor Swift. Let them switch places!
i'm sure prince has already been talked about to death on this site, but a jw family member just liked a video posted by a jw group on facebook that is an interview of prince about his conversion to jw.
it's the comments made by jws that this post is about.. prince was a great artist!
and the world has lost a musical genius in my opinion, but he lost me after he converted.
I'm sure Prince has already been talked about to death on this site, but a JW family member just liked a video posted by a JW group on Facebook that is an interview of Prince about his conversion to JW. I'm sure everyone has seen it. It's the comments made by JWs that this post is about.
Prince was a great artist! And the world has lost a musical genius in my opinion, but he lost me after he converted. He has always been weird, but after converting, he just became a different shade of weird and I didn't like his new music ... post JW. I still have his old albums on my iPod though and love them! This is not anything against him as a musician.
But reading the JW comments are making me feel a little nauseated. They are talking about how they can't wait for him to be resurrected and how they will see him in "just a little while" in paradise. And they are all so excited to finally meet him when he is resurrected! I am pretty sure they are hoping for a post paradise concert or something.
And then there's this gem:
Food for thought my spiritual family. We have to be careful with what words we use when someone dies. Unbelievers get confused when the word passed away is used thinking we believe in after life.
Yes, yes ... that has always confused me, the whole "passed away" phrase ... not! I couldn't read anymore. If you need a good purging of your dinner:
the book costs 140.00, but i bought it.
i agree with dr. de vienne's review.
Thanks, Old Goat! Wow! I never knew the Watchtower claimed he was born before the time keeping of A.D. began.