Regardless of how you pronounce his name, Jehovah was only one god of many that were popular during the time period that some might call "biblical times." There were many gods that people worshiped. And while there are a few places in the bible that says he was the "only god", there are more examples in the bible referring to other gods, and many of them claiming Jehovah was "greater" than those other gods.
Am I saying there were REALLY other gods or a god at all? No. I am saying a lot of the authors of the bible obviously knew of these other gods and recognized them as gods. They just thought their god was better. I really don't think Jehovah will get upset if your pronounce "his" name wrong, anymore than it would upset the god Rimmon or Molech or ... look it up ... there are like 30+ gods named in the bible.
People make god in their image, and when you have a lot of different cultures, you are going to get a lot of different gods.
So basically, back then you had a lot of different groups of people who each said ... my god is better than yours ... he's the real deal.
My how times have changed! Oh wait ... maybe not.