I have not been a witness for some 15 years now, and to be honest, I always gave Russell a bit of a pass. I always thought he started the International Bible Students Association with sincere motivations, and didn't have all the horrible rules Rutherford would eventually put in place, even if he was a bit wacky (pyramidology, anyone?). I thought the biggest fruitcake was Rutherford who changed the name to Jehovah's Witnesses and gave the religion a new face that looked completely different than what it did under Russell.
But I have reading quite a bit about Russell recently, and he was just as sinister as Rutherford. The only reason he moved the Watchtower to Brooklyn is because he thought he could sell more books, and he did some pretty sinister things to hide his properties from his wife when they got a divorce/separation. He treated his wife horribly. And the only thing I think he really cared about was money.
Evidently, he was charismatic, judging by the crowds he drew and the people that got obsessed with him. He started this whole mess with his charlatan showmanship, and I squarely place blame on Russell's shoulders for this mess we are all in.
So I just a safe place to say this to get it off my chest ... SUCK IT, RUSSELL!