I love going to parties where people pass around snacks and alcohol without consuming any of it!
... said no one ever.
my first one!
even though i got it saturday, march 26, in the mail in an envelope addressed to "my dear neighbor.".
it's the thought that counts..
I love going to parties where people pass around snacks and alcohol without consuming any of it!
... said no one ever.
today is the day of the annual "special talk.
" it took me all of two years to realize not to get my hopes up for anything special.. then came the special assembly day.
today is the day of the annual "special talk.
" it took me all of two years to realize not to get my hopes up for anything special.. then came the special assembly day.
In the education world, "special" takes on a whole new meeting.
Keeping this in mind, I think the word "special" used with anything JW is very appropriate.
many who have watched the gb know that they seem to be desperate to be admired, to be looked up to…….
now the question arises—do they really enjoy their lives?
does their superiority complex make them feel good?.
on my roku box, i went to the most popular channels and there sits jw.org.
it has a rating of 5 stars with over 43,000 reviews!
more than the nbc news channel, and more than the history channel.
On my Roku box, I went to the most popular channels and there sits JW.ORG. It has a rating of 5 stars with over 43,000 reviews! More than the NBC News channel, and more than the History channel. Something is wrong with this picture. And when you go to the Religion category of channels, it is #1!
Even the Mormon channel only has about 7,000 ratings with 4 1/2 stars. I swear, they could put up any kind of drivel and if it is comes from almighty GB, the braindead will upvote it five stars ... no questions asked.
in mississippi, there is a historical site called forks of the road.
before the civil war, it was one of the most active slave trading markets in the south.
it was a triangular piece of land formed by ... you guessed it ... a fork in the road.
We have a Kingdom Hall in Australia built in a former 'Pub' or Bar as you guys say. There's one in Queensland that's built in a former Catholic Church
I can see irony in those sites for Kingdom Halls, too. Building a Kingdom Hall in a Pub? Sounds like something Rutherford would do. In a former Catholic Church? Wow! Built on the site of the one religion they hate the most.
I have also always thought it was ironic that the Watchtower is building their new world headquarters in Warwick on top of contaminated and polluted land. So Poetic.
my son asked me 40 years ago.
should we be glad adam sinned?
because if he hadn't, we would not be the person we are.. any opinions?
I know it is really hard for people that left the Witnesses to do this, but just try to not take the bible literally. There is a whole world of creation stories out there. The Adam and Eve story is just one of many, and it wasn't even the first.
My view of stories from the bible completely changed after I exposed myself to other ancient stories that were written around the time of the bible or earlier.
there are some people that do in fact want to die.
these people include the mentally unstable, emotionally imbalanced, and those suffering from ailments or diseases, just to name a few.. i've never met however, anyone, or heard of anyone, who is of sound mind, who just awoke one day and thought it would be an excellent day to die......naturally.. your thoughts?.
I don't know why so many humans long to live forever but I have always wondered if it was the price we paid for evolving into self-aware humans.
I agree that animals also fear death when they are threatened, but it is kind of hard to know if they fear natural death because they wonder if they have been "good enough" little critters to make it into Jehoho's paradise. Fear of destruction or hell or anything else fantasized as unpleasant puts a whole new twist onto the fear factor.
Lots of things in life are hard to accept, but death probably is the hardest. I have heard though, that the closer you get to your own death (by aging naturally), the more you accept it and become more at peace with it. Who knows if that is because they believe they are going off to somewhere better, like heaven or paradise, or wherever.
If you logically think about it, though, our bodies were not made to live forever. There is not one biological thing that exists that lasts forever and never dies. So, either death has always been a natural occurrence of the human species, or when "Adam and Eve sinned" in the Garden of Eden, Jehovah decided to impose death on all living creatures in the Universe instead of just humans, but really doesn't make any sense ... for any fairy tale.
so we received the obligatory "shoved under the door" memorial invitation and "return to jehovah" brochure the other week.
it also had a hand written note from two elders saying "we love and miss you" etc.... so why then when one of them saw us at the grocery store, did he pretend to not see us and then ignore and quickly walk away?.
the sincerity is wonderful..... dont get me wrong, we dont want any attention from them, but it's an interesting observation anyway.....
Yes, my mother pulled the same ... "so and so really misses you and would love to see you"! I offered to meet them for coffee as long as the topic was religion was off the table. Funny thing ... they don't miss me that much now.
in mississippi, there is a historical site called forks of the road.
before the civil war, it was one of the most active slave trading markets in the south.
it was a triangular piece of land formed by ... you guessed it ... a fork in the road.
This is located in Natchez, MS.
Perry ... you are partially correct. Those of us that were born into this religion ... especially 3rd and 4th grade generation ... it was not by our choice. And they do indeed make you feel like horrible things will happen to you if you leave. But I agree that it is not the same as the African Americans being enslaved, which was by far, a lot worse ... really not even comparable.
Nevertheless, I think it is ironic that a Kingdom Hall, a place of mental bondage, is now on the site of a place where real slave trading took place, and they have blocked it off with trees.
You've got to see the symbolism in that.