It was a generic, "nice", inoffensive letter. I think I will write back, just a brief note. If you had one item to share with a person...what point would you like to make?
Well, first I wouldn't bother. It don't think it would be effective, but when I have forced to talk about the reasons why I left, I stick with sociological factors that are a problem in the organization and not doctrine.
You will not win on any doctrine issue, but my family has had a hard time arguing against the failure of the organization to deal with any kind of abuse within families among the ranks, their inability to deal with mental health care issues, and discouraging their members to seek help, and one thing that really hits home with my family is the seemingly slanted "class system" among the JWs where you are nobody unless you are connected ... usually married ... to a man with some type of position of power.
And when they come back with their canned response of ... "well, we have to remember that they are imperfect men" ... I say, "Exactly ... just like every other religion on the planet." They don't like it when I say that.