They're saying you shouldn't watch or read anything that portray's characters with superhuman qualities?? Well ... maybe they are right! These over the top superhero characters that do things like heal people just by touching them, or walk on water, or perform magic tricks, or predict the future, or appear as ghosts after they die ... those kind of books and shows are ridiculous! You read that stuff enough, you're liable to forget they're just stories and start to believe it!
JoinedPosts by Wild_Thing
super heros
by Gratefullyunstuck inafter reading the content of the 1 day assembly on another post, please tell me wt are trying to suggest members cant follow super hero movies/characters etc.
the whole of my ex family wouldnt have a life if this happened!
surely a wake up call for them....... but doubt it
Prince was on the board of directors for the WTS
by Barrold Bonds ini was talking with a friend of mine who knows a few people in the home department at bethel.
apparently, prince was, as i noted in the title, on the board of directors.
he apparently was sort of a silent partner or advisor in the whole thing.
If it's on the internet, it has to be true, so I completely believe all of this!
I heard he paid a lot of money to the Watchtower so Anthony Morris would stop chastising him for his tight pants. I have my sources.
In congregations of Jehovah’s people today, it is very unlikely that we would be treated unjustly
Haha! I think they mistakenly put the "un" in front of likely!
Thanks, ttdtt. Hmmm ... that sound like anything too different from what I have seen before. :( -
Quote please!! Or link? Or anything? Sheesh!
George Cook former DO, now just an elder at Prince's home congregation KH
by oppostate ingeorge cook, omg, george f'ing cook, whattttt!.
caption: elder george cook (right), one of the nine elders of the small 90-person congregation, said prince regularly ‘witnessed’ alone in the community and in groups.
he was very detail oriented and very eccentric.
I'm sure "Brother Nelson" took care of his lack of retirement fund situation. It's a wonder not all of the old JWs casted into retirement didn't flock there. -
Settlers of Catan
by Wild_Thing inanybody else here love the game settlers of catan?
i love it!
there is an online version that i like to play, too.. "does anybody have any wood?
Yes, Spectre, I'll will you give me wood for my sheep? Haha!
nonjwspouse ... my favorite version i Cities and Knights, but I have heard the Seafarer version is quite also, but never played it.
The place to play a version of this game is is anyone wants to play. They can't call it Settlers of Catan, but that's what it is. You can play the basic version or Cities and Knights. If anyone is interested, PM me your username over there after you register and we'll play!
Settlers of Catan
by Wild_Thing inanybody else here love the game settlers of catan?
i love it!
there is an online version that i like to play, too.. "does anybody have any wood?
Anybody else here love the game Settlers of Catan? I love it! There is an online version that I like to play, too.
"Does anybody have any wood?"
Assimilation day: Imitate Jokeovah!
by Darkknight757 inso today was the one day assembly or whatever it's called now.
fun times.😳.
use resources wisely:.
My family went to their one day assembly, too. I wonder if you were at the same one.
A few questions for you ...
1. Was there any mention of shunning family members?
2. They really said to watch no superhuman shows???? My God! The JWs I know in this area go to Comicon every time it comes to town, including my sister's family. Her elder husband's favorite shirt is his Superman shirt.
3. Anything about education?
Thanks in advance!
More sad news for Music - first Prince, now Kayne West
by Simon in.
I would be okay if he stole the spotlight from Prince, like he did Taylor Swift. Let them switch places!