This is the time of year the Dubs tell themselves, "There's nothing unscriptural about enjoying a turkey dinner, or with enjoying a meal with our families! So, enjoying a turkey dinner with our families, isn't really celebrating Thanksgiving, just becuz it so happens we're off that day, and the turkey was on a really good sale so we picked one up!" They do the same thing worldly families do on that holiday, but of course, it's purely coincidental!
JoinedPosts by Virgogirl
Truth Book from 1974
by Virgogirl indoes anyone remember "the truth that leads to everlasting life" book?
it was blue, and was intended as a six month home study book.
i think it came out in 1974at an assembly with much fanfare and gasping!.
Truth Book from 1974
by Virgogirl indoes anyone remember "the truth that leads to everlasting life" book?
it was blue, and was intended as a six month home study book.
i think it came out in 1974at an assembly with much fanfare and gasping!.
Does anyone remember "The Truth That Leads To Everlasting Life" book? It was blue, and was intended as a six month home study book. I think it came out in 1974at an assembly with much fanfare and gasping!. We were told to use this rapid course for no more than six months, and if the study wasn't attending meetings and thinking of baptism by the end of the book, we were to drop them! They said from the platform that the end was just too close to be wasting our time on people who didn't want to come into the truth before it was too late, and this book was everything they needed to make their decision. Some Dubs protested that their study was really interested, but needed a little more time to make up their mind. They were told to "move on, there isn't enough time to waste on the lukewarm!" We were also told to give our study the ultimatum, near the end of the book, that we would not be able to continue studying after the book was finished, and they needed to start thinking about getting baptized. They had to let us know by the last chapter. I remember this was a periodof huge influx when many new ones got baptized but many promising studies were dropped for not obeying the ultimatum.
I'm livid...
by Cady inwalking one of the kids i work with to school this morning and there's a dirty syringe on the sidewalk.
this is just two blocks from the middle school and tons of kids walk down that sidewalk on their way to school.. i used to not think much about drug use - my attitude was, you want to screw up your life, go ahead.
but now that i work with kids who've often been deprived of a good home b/c their parents are addicts...when i'm 100 feet from a shooting that is drug-related...and most of all when i see the dealers drive by in their rides and the kids ooh and awe over them and see that as some kind of shining example of where their lives could go...i'm becoming very disgusted and angry in general.
Anyone for mischief?
by bagpuss ini grew up in east yorkshire and november 4th was mischief night.
we would do all kinds of crazy things like removing peoples gates and hiding them, knocking on doors and running away - you know the kind of thing!
the great thing was we never got into trouble, after all everyone knew it was mischief night and expected to get up next day and find their garden gnomes missing!!!.
Skirting the issue
by Virgogirl inwhat argument is put forth that women must only wear dresses or skirts to the meetings or in service and are not permitted to wear slacks?
where does it say it's wrong for sisters to wear pants, and how are they convincing women in 2005 to buy into this?
i remember many bitterly cold chicago mornings with frozen legs running to doors and back to the warm car as quickly as possible, wearing a skirt which was ridiculous and inappropriate to the weather conditions.
Skirting the issue
by Virgogirl inwhat argument is put forth that women must only wear dresses or skirts to the meetings or in service and are not permitted to wear slacks?
where does it say it's wrong for sisters to wear pants, and how are they convincing women in 2005 to buy into this?
i remember many bitterly cold chicago mornings with frozen legs running to doors and back to the warm car as quickly as possible, wearing a skirt which was ridiculous and inappropriate to the weather conditions.
I want to tell everyone I appreciate all the clever and thought provoking responses! But I'm still wondering, how do they convince the woman of 2005 that the Christian female must only wear skirts and dresses to the Kingdumb Hell or in Witlessing activities? Most of us have been out for awhile, but I'm did they convince us? Guys, did you agree at the time, that your female family members ought to go along with this? How did you convince them?
Lady Lee, great point you made! I doubt if Adam received a men's size XL fitted figleaf, and Eve got a thong and 36B figleaf matching set! Must've been a one size fits all leaf!
Minimus Is Demonized
by minimus ini posted this on a different thread regarding my mother but her sister (my aunt) told her that because i left the "truth" and am living my life outside of bible principles, that the "demons" are affecting her.
she told my mom that twice last week, "the demons pushed her" and caused her to fall.
because my mother associates with me and my mom associates with her sister----therefore the "contact" is made thru my mother to her.
I was casual friends with a girl from work the last year I was still living at home. She went on vacation and dropped by with a couple small souvenirs for me. Right after that, I started suffering from bad headaches and feeling crummy. My mom quizzed me about the origin of the gifts, my friend's background, religion, lifestyle, her friends, etc. She wanted me to throw out the gifts. I wound up at the doctor. Turns out I had a bad sinus infection and went on antibiotics. End of headaches.
Does anyone find reading in here dpressing?
by klinton insorry to be a downer...but i'm just new here.
i've been scanning topics and reading people's various stories....and i have to say, a lot of what i'm seeing is just eating me up.
i've actually teared up a few times.
No, it's really helpful to me. After being raised from a baby in the troof, a tiny piece of me wonders what if the end IS coming soon, they were right, and I really blew it. Reading the posts of so much evidence comforts me becuz I see, to my relief, they are not right. And, some of the posts are really funny, and I laugh my fanny off! The laughter is good for me before I go to work.
Haunted Hall
by Virgogirl inwas it just me, or did anyone else experience unsettling, wierd vibes inside a kingdom hall?
it used to creep me out, it felt almost eerie and spooky inside.
sometimes we opened the doors on saturday afternoon to clean, and it was all dark and sinister inside when we entered, and it almost felt like something was in there, not good vibes, either.
Was it just me, or did anyone else experience unsettling, wierd vibes inside a Kingdom Hall? It used to creep me out, it felt almost eerie and spooky inside. Sometimes we opened the doors on Saturday afternoon to clean, and it was all dark and sinister inside when we entered, and it almost felt like something was in there, not good vibes, either.