Sorry, Swalker, but the Broncos are gonna win the Superbowl!
JoinedPosts by Virgogirl
NC meetup. Who would/could come?
by freedomlover in. richie and i are brainstorming a meetup in the western side of nc.. -freedomlover.
jourles - your pics have inspired us!
How do you feel about people on government assistence?
by free2beme infor a long time, before working with people in this situation, i would have answered this question with .... "i feel for them and i know how degrading it must be, to come to this point in their life to have to depend on the government to sustain them" .
... once i got up close and personal with these people, i have learned that my answer only applies to a small group of those on government assistance.
well from my experience, those on government assistance are more often about taking advantage of the system, then they are about actually being in need of help.
Some of the ones we get at the Post Office who are frantic to get hold of their check are desperate to get to their dealer. When I was a mail carrier, back when we used to deliver welfare checks, the carriers dreaded "check day" on the routes in bad neighborhoods. They would be gathered on the sidewalk waiting for the carrier, who is not allowed to pass out mail on the street, but must deliver it as addressed. It could get ugly! I had a strung out woman crying and cursing and she threw herself across the hood of my truck, which slopes, so she slid off onto the street. I had to drive like hell to another street to get away from her. She then went down to the Post Office and made a huge scene in the lobby. I was later told by the clerks, that she repeated the same routine every month. It's a shame many of them spend the money on booze, drugs and cigarettes, and make those honest ones in genuine need take the looks and comments, when working people sometimes paint all folks on assistance with the same brush.
How do you feel about people on government assistence?
by free2beme infor a long time, before working with people in this situation, i would have answered this question with .... "i feel for them and i know how degrading it must be, to come to this point in their life to have to depend on the government to sustain them" .
... once i got up close and personal with these people, i have learned that my answer only applies to a small group of those on government assistance.
well from my experience, those on government assistance are more often about taking advantage of the system, then they are about actually being in need of help.
There is a big problem with meth in my city, and you see methheads roaming the streets. Panhandlers harass tourists and shoppers downtown for money, and hold up signs asking for donations to buy beer. The children of these people suffer, and probably are used to qualify for welfare. Those are the high visibility people. I imagine there are many others who deserve help and go about their lives quietly and unseen. I remember as a kid, some of the studies in the projects used to give away extra blocks of "welfare cheese" or sacks of beans or rice to friends at the Hall. This was dishonest, in my opinion. It burns me as a working adult today to see the welfare moms crank out a baby every year, like clockwork, and their healthcare, diapers. formula, etc. comes out of working American's paychecks. Those are the ones who know better, but are too lazy to take responsibility for their own lives. SOme of them come to the Post Office lobby cursing and ranting if their check isn't delivered on time. The window clerk, who may be working a 12 hour day, has to take abuse from these people, who sometimes come in drunk or high.Like I said, these are the ones we see.... many more do their best to take pride in themselves and pull themselves up. Alright, I'm done ranting!
Underground vaults of Edinburgh
by Virgogirl inthe travel channel aired a show, "most haunted" featuring the city walks and horribly, macabre underground vaults of edinburgh.
supposedly the poor lived beneath the streets in caves and caverns where robbery and murder took place.
the ghosts said to roam the underground rooms are angry and agressive with visitors, sometimes touching, pushing, or calling their names.
Couldn't I just be thrown into the White Loch after I've imbibed my Drambuie? Wow, you guys have all been great fun, plus I learned alot about Scotland, birthplace of Great Grandfather Clyde. Perhaps Matt's related to him and that's why he's such a pistol, haha!
Check this out! my first act of "rebellion"...
by freedomlover inwell, not really rebellion but that i've wanted one of these for a long time so i went and did it today, and i love it!
my little sister came out for a visit this weekend and i told her everything about leaving the jw's.
she has pretty much left about 6 months ago when she went away to college.
I have a belly ring too. It hurt less than my ear piercing. Do the Witlesses regard this as a no-no? Cause then I'm in trouble. I showed mine to my Mom recently, a sapphire in a sterling flower and she grimaced and rolled her eyes. She finally did admit it was cute. Yours looks really cool, Freedomlover, and good for you for doing it if you wanted to!
Circut Assembly 2006 Notes, Part 2
by drew sagan inhey everybody.
sorry for not getting these up sooner.
here are the notes for the second day of the assembly program.
"Jehovah had a real interest in what people wear." Ha! So why were Adam and Eve created naked? Don't know how you sat through this, Drew, but thank you!
Pictures- Just for fun
by RichieRich ini was just browsing through my files, and came across a few cool / neat / weird photos i thought i'd share.
these are from my trip to bethel in mid-april of last year.. .
there i was, right outside hq.
Very cool, Ritchie! What a vacation from hell, but it must've been double hell to have to wear a suit on your trip! You looked nice, tho!
Circuit Overseer Celebrities?
by Delboy222 ini am a active jw, but one question i would like to know is why do these 'men' get treated as superstar celebrities when they attend the congregation?.
for as long as i can remember, there seems to be a 'buzz of excitement' when it is announced that he and his wife are due to visit.
what is so special about them?.
Welcome, Otis! Please stick around and tell us your story!
Underground vaults of Edinburgh
by Virgogirl inthe travel channel aired a show, "most haunted" featuring the city walks and horribly, macabre underground vaults of edinburgh.
supposedly the poor lived beneath the streets in caves and caverns where robbery and murder took place.
the ghosts said to roam the underground rooms are angry and agressive with visitors, sometimes touching, pushing, or calling their names.
Hi, I'm back from working on Saturday, pfffft! Thanx, all, but what are midges and weegies? I love rain, though, and have the name of the area my Great Grandfather supposedly came from, the White Loch. "Most Haunted is fun to watch, all those cool places in the UK, all historic and creepy, but this one show did scare the living piddle out of me. Couldn't sleep that night! Derek Accora the medium really looked posessed by something and it was chilling. Hey, I might make a great jumpy tourist for the city walk! I'd tote a mug of Drambuie along.
Underground vaults of Edinburgh
by Virgogirl inthe travel channel aired a show, "most haunted" featuring the city walks and horribly, macabre underground vaults of edinburgh.
supposedly the poor lived beneath the streets in caves and caverns where robbery and murder took place.
the ghosts said to roam the underground rooms are angry and agressive with visitors, sometimes touching, pushing, or calling their names.
Haha, Matt! They showed some "excellent" shops where a Yankgirl such as myself can buy a (sniffs) uh, plaid, er, Tartan! Maybe the groaning in the vaults is due to some making out in the dark down there, by the sconces!