For a long time, before working with people in this situation, I would have answered this question with ...
"I feel for them and I know how degrading it must be, to come to this point in their life to have to depend on the government to sustain them"
... Once I got up close and personal with these people, I have learned that my answer only applies to a small group of those on government assistance. Why do I say this? Well from my experience, those on government assistance are more often about taking advantage of the system, then they are about actually being in need of help. I would like to mention, that some do need it and use it to move to a level where they no longer need it. That is not the majority, by any means or warped way of looking at it. Here is a normal government assistance situation. They lie, cheat and often hide what information might be true to qualify. They will often be people who not only want the assistance, but they will expect it and think they deserve it for some god-ordained reason. If you think they show up to get this assistance with a thankful attitude, you couldn't be further from reality. They show up with a "you expect me to do what to get this?" I don't want to fill out paperwork! I don't want to disclose information that might damage my chances! I don't want to be told no, even if I should be told no! It's sad really, that for the most part Americana's invision people on this assistance as a homeless mom getting to a better place in life, from a government assistance program and would defend it as a more positive way of dealing with the people. All the while, not knowing what is happening with these people. It might be a negative comment, but I think government assistance should be "ONLY" about finding ways for these people to become productive members of society. Job training (real job training), Education, and limited amounts of assistance to get people to a point that they realize this is not the end of the road that you sit at for years, but a small amount of time that gets you going in the right direction. Oh, I could go off on this for hours, but I need to get some sleep, so that I can get up and go to work and pay for all those on government assistance.
Does anyone else realize how broken this system is?